WiiChat Xbox 360 Game Night Ideas

Finally got ODST.♥♥♥
Add me up if you don't already D:
GT: KSI xRawr
Would be nice if you guys could report my name..so i can change it :X
It fell apart for me when I realized I had 3 AP tests on Monday. So, yeah. Sorry all.
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  • #155
You weren't on >: [

Sticky was on/off but he ignored invites.
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  • #159
my friend made a game on Xbox live. its called "i maD3 A gaM3 wIth zObi3s iN It"

What's his name? Has he made anything else? lololololololololol
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  • #161
Halo tonight? I'm up for ODST achievements or Halo 3 matchmaking.
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  • #164
Sigh. Rather than being ignored by Syntax, anyone want to play anything?
Gears 1, CoD4, Marble Blast Ultra, Sonic 3, Soul Calibur 4, or KOFXll reporting in.

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