WiiChat Xbox 360 Game Night Ideas

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  • #137
I'm up for ODST any time
Good man, Rawr.
Um, so.

ODST. This weekend. Anyone?


Not my fault you won't donate an organ to buy the greatest game of the moment. Steal it if you must!
Foxy said:
I'm up for ODST any time.
Any time is a good time.. this weekend?
Um, so.

ODST. This weekend. Anyone?

For sure! What day/time is good for ya?
Saturday, hopefully. Don't know time.. I'll post back here if I do end up getting a chance to play.
I'm in. Right now I'm working on getting the last two achievements (Deja Vu and Endure). If you guys want to go for it, we're going to have to dedicate about 2-3 hours to it. Also, there is a certain guide I'd like to follow, to get it.

Halo iz serius business ...
Yeah, we definitely need 4 people for "Endure" and "Deja Vu"... "Deja Vu" is gonna be a bit rediculous though, I personally don't think we'll be able to get both in one day. I'm up for doing "Endure" first though.

If we can get Tyler, Jam, Matt, and myself we'll have 4 right there for Saturday(?)... Only problems are the time differences. =/
Yeah, we definitely need 4 people for "Endure" and "Deja Vu"... "Deja Vu" is gonna be a bit rediculous though, I personally don't think we'll be able to get both in one day. I'm up for doing "Endure" first though.

If we can get Tyler, Jam, Matt, and myself we'll have 4 right there for Saturday(?)... Only problems are the time differences. =/

I've promised one of my friends that I would help him run through both achievements. However, if I can get them done today, or early tomorrow, I should be free.

Deja Vu isn't that hard as there are Rockets with 1000 Ammunition + mongooses down one tunnel. It's best to run through it, not holding back to kill ghosts. I found Endure to be the most challenging of the Vidmaster achievements.
Got ODST. I think I'll be playing Blaz Blue more though.
Way to cave in. :burgerking: You don't have my tag, do you? Mine's ArTofWaR92.

These vidmaster achievements sound frightening, hah. /: Doubt I can keep up with you all, but hopefully I'll be that third or fourth guy who sucks, but reaps the rewards anyway.
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Yus Pls. Either day.
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