WiiChat Team Championship

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  • #977
dont BS me u cant hold me to ransom just coz u aint trained some Pokemon, there are still other rounds to play so u will still have time to train. I mean this aint no life and death situation and i didnt expect people to be getting all wor up about it
okay then... now you seem like the bad guy.... ok i will stay... but i may lose a bunch in the next rounds... see you later Ayo... :p
omg pokechamp. stop delaying other ppl for ur training. uve had all the time in the world b4, and u procrastinate. just go through the tourney w/ ur old team!
danny7147551 said:
this tourney is so dam slow

**ayos fault**

ayo just accepted my battle, when im not even challenging him ._. wtf ayo i was waiting for a friend, and someone give me his AIM

edit- ayo my pokemon doesnt even have any ITEMS, only 2 poke does and still beat you :D
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danny7147551 said:
lol kyough lets battle

umm whos aim do u want

mines is danny7557141:smilewinkgrin:

cant battle at the moment and im asking for ayo's AIM as well but yours would work lol

ill battle when im done EVing lol, earleir i was suppose to battle someone for IV's and yet AYO accepted the invitation, i guess by mistake LOL
k i forgot to tell u guys......i have to go to my cousin birthday party tomarow and the day after tomarow i get my wii.....just telling so no 1 wonders
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  • #990
kyouh said:
cant battle at the moment and im asking for ayo's AIM as well but yours would work lol

ill battle when im done EVing lol, earleir i was suppose to battle someone for IV's and yet AYO accepted the invitation, i guess by mistake LOL
My lil bro mesed up my team, and i started with a donphan for goodness sake, yesss:yikes: but my lil bro put it at front

and my AIMs in my sig

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