The wiichat S.S.B.B. team battles league

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lord, help me plz
Jun 10, 2009
i dont want stalkers
Wii Online Code
:lovewii:This league is about people TEAM ssbb battles. here is how u will join:

wiichat name
in-game name
brawl FC
wii code

for an example, mine would be like:


after i c u (unless there is a chage of plans) i will add u to to my book and to brawl. u will have had to added me.u NEED to do this so u can send replays.
after that u will be a member.
here r the rules: spamming nice to other people

This is how it's going to work:
If a team challenges another, those teams will agree on what stages to play beforehand, what time, what items, etc.

-Whoever challenges is responsible to send the replays, but for safety, everyone should save it.
-Must be at least 2 players, one human for each team. I would recommend all humans, but if we are shhort on players, we can just use level 9 computers instead.
-Winners are awared 2 points for victory
-Best of 3, 2 stock 3 minutes (Sudden Death's do not count.

The presented results should look like this"
Challenging team Vs. Challenged team
Battle 1 results
Battle 2 results
Battle 3 results
Final score.

:wiimote::nunchuck: if u have any questions or comments PM me

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I don't think anyone is because it's impossible to read. Try using this instead:
This is how it's going to work:
If a team challenges another, those teams will agree on what stages to play beforehand, what time, what items, etc.

-Whoever challenges is responsible to send the replays, but for safety, everyone should save it.
-Must be at least 2 players, one human for each team. I would recommend all humans, but if we are shhort on players, we can just use level 9 computers instead.
-Winners are awared 2 points for victory
-Best of 3, 2 stock 3 minutes (Sudden Death's do not count.

The presented results should look like this"
Challenging team Vs. Challenged team
Battle 1 results
Battle 2 results
Battle 3 results
Final score.
Revised by RockerJ
Woah.Big difference.Doesnt look so bad.

In my sig.

Thanks RockerJ.
A league is a pool play that is normally used for getting better.

A tournament is an elimination used to see who's the best around.

(Remembers he needs to update his brawl card)
Brawl ain't at all abandoned, no. It's just that Wiichat's Brawl crowd in particular moved onto greener pastures. Quite a few of us are currently active on AiB makin' a name for themselves, like Smash King. Or at least, last I checked they were.

... But that's enough chatter in a dead thread, nostalgic as it is. :lol: Thread closed.
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