WiiChat Team Championship

PokeChamp said:
lol, im back from a party.... :p
i had better things to do.... but my mom told me i have to go... what lies

meh, soz kyouh for the wait... i need to breed this pokemon.... and i have hatched 73 of them... still not the right one.... :p

if anybody has the tms

thunder bolt
shadow ball
water pulse
flame thrower

PM me so i can get them for my poke... :p
i said he has to wait you doofus... :p
kyouh said:
lol yeah, ill wait till you get ready, i myself still preparing ._.
i am breeding a super fast pokemon that nobody uses (strype knows)
and its going to be a really sweet sweeper (not telling which one) if i can get the right nature soon... lol

:p take a quick look at my sig and avatar i made :p
PokeChamp said:
i am breeding a super fast pokemon that nobody uses (strype knows)
and its going to be a really sweet sweeper (not telling which one) if i can get the right nature soon... lol

:p take a quick look at my sig and avatar i made :p

i think i know that pokemon ._.
kyouh said:
i think i know that pokemon ._.
meh, tell me then (in a PM)
if you get it right... i will give you one with a good nature
(i have tons... i need one with good ivs actually) ._.
You should really consider getting a copy of photoshop or something to make some actual usable sigs :ciappa:
I sent a pm for the heck of it and I think I'm right
WuddlePook said:
You should really consider getting a copy of photoshop or something to make some actual usable sigs :ciappa:
I sent a pm for the heck of it and I think I'm right
i don't have the permission of my step-dad to down-load stuff...
he is WAY over-protective...
Reaper12324 said:
lol, then BUY it.
I don't think the income of a twelve year old is enough to buy photoshop and such. It's really ridiculously expensive...

And I never knew a Pokemon has a lower base step hatch then Magikarp...
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread starter
  • #973
I dont there are any Pokemon with less than a 5 base step counter? or is there?

And way ive created a deadline now coz this is taking too long. So first deadline is 28th August, so u all have until then for these matches to finish.
Ayo said:
I dont there are any Pokemon with less than a 5 base step counter? or is there?

And way ive created a deadline now coz this is taking too long. So first deadline is 28th August, so u all have until then for these matches to finish.
i need at least one more day than that please!

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