WiiChat Nostalgia

when everyone would put two ii's iin every word that had an ii iin iit because iit apparently looked "cool" and because the wii had two ii's iin it. Now that II thiink about iit, iit's a cool iidea. Maybe II wiill do thiis from now on. (Real Miitch BTW)
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I wish he would come back.
I always thought of Moonlight Sonata whenever he posted. Just seemed right.

Also, Wiinter.
Dont mind the BUMP!!!

I remember very little stuff...man...I miss Emma. The one who loved pokemon
I remember how this forum looked up until about 2 weeks ago... i still kinda remember how it looked when i first found it back in 2006. It does look better now though
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I remember, lee.Jarett (was just a bit after I first joined) and STEELERSFATBOY!!
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Oh god lee.jaret...
Haha you know in the few years I've been here, I never really established what was wrong with lee. He seemed like a decent member (however a lot of people got pissed with him for some reasons)

Good times though. Good times.

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