WiiChat Nostalgia

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  • #18
Happy Hanukkah, Wiired.
The "rate the person's avatar/sig/user title above you. I also remember back when I first joined somewhere near Christmas of 2006 with a different account and i got suspended for some bull **** reason... yeah, back when this site was active and had good moderation (except for whoever it was the suspended me for some bull **** reason... that was bad moderation)
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  • #20

Fan clubs...omg.
Yeah, but you're like THE ONLY moderator still around. You've gotta get to work on killing all these clan threads that are up now.
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  • #23
There, I deleted them all again, but trust me, like 50 of them appear over night and are a ***** to keep under controll.[/offtopic]

My first thread was actually a fan club. Anyone remember the "Fox Fan Club"?
WHERES MY DAMN MUSHROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was like my extra life

Whatever happened to that roleplay function thing?

I don't remember ever bothering with that.
That roleplay game?
I remember all the Dark Knights
I think it was nearly everybody else that was one
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  • #25
Yeah, Prinny's VIP mushy. It's not there anymore...=[

It's like you we're knighted when you we're given a mushroom.
Anyone remember when there'd be enough people to cause drama? I miss drama =(
I remember when i0n gave a toss about the site enough to add stuff to it

In b4 my "ello" pics
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  • #28
We need Brawny and Loose Cannon together for just 1 hour again. Enough drama for all of us to last a bit.
In fact, I have her e-mail...May convince her to come back for a bit.
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  • #30
I know we've all tried it.


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