WiiChat Doubles Open

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  • #31
The rules for ledgendaries are stated and im not gona change them soz and yes wifi does boost the stats to lvl 100 if u choose it to


Ull b on the extras list also, if i can get 32 people u can join the torney aswell
as i already have the 16 needed to start
actually battling a darkai isnt a problem

you can kill it with like one hit

get a poke with the abiltity insomia and u can get put to sleep then just kill him
lol, i'm pretty sure i'm gonna lose on my first battle xP
hehe i have a feeling that im guna lose in the first round also

there is 3 people that i dont wanna face in the first round
I hope not much people have EV trained Pokemon :0, I only have like...none.
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  • #44
I NEED MORE PEOPLE, I think i can get 32 people if u hurry!!, dont be afraid i pick out the hat the matchups at my house so u coud get a good draw in th first round

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