WiiChat Doubles Open

Wow, not now! It is so early here (7:03 AM) and I'm almost leaving to drop off my wife in her job. How about around 12:00 PM Central Time?

I do not like legendaries, so I do not use them. However, you may use yours if you want :)

Btw... ayo, lv100 sucks... better to be free... if people is not prepared... bad luck!

o.k WTF?
i just got a arcnine that knows watertail?

anyway this tourney will be fun!
Wii_BrEnDo2007 said:

o.k WTF?
i just got a arcnine that knows watertail?

anyway this tourney will be fun!


It must be hacked... return it to the owner haha. (Take a look on stats an ability)
i would like to join!
that makes 16 people!
and keep it lvl 100
many will drop out on free battles
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  • #21
Soz chica no free battles, i dont think may people will be ready for it, but that could b in the next torny.
two questions:

1) I am interested in the tournament, Would you mind if i signed up?

2) i have a legit darkrai, if that was my one legendary, is that still banned?
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  • #24
Monogatari said:
two questions:

1) I am interested in the tournament, Would you mind if i signed up?

2) i have a legit darkrai, if that was my one legendary, is that still banned?

1) yes u can but im u will only be able to b in it if i get 32 people

2) read the rules, stictly no darkari, arceus or shaymin
Ayo said:
2) read the rules, stictly no darkari, arceus or shaymin

i usually choose my battles, but i'm really curious on this. may i ask why?

i understand about arceus and shaymin [since NONE of those can be legit] but i can prove mine is legitimate very easily.

Not like he's a staple on my team or anything [although using him for a battle would be kinda fun], i just find the rule slightly odd
Monogatari said:
i usually choose my battles, but i'm really curious on this. may i ask why?

i understand about arceus and shaymin [since NONE of those can be legit] but i can prove mine is legitimate very easily.

Not like he's a staple on my team or anything [although using him for a battle would be kinda fun], i just find the rule slightly odd
well, darkrai can be considered one of the CHEAPEST pokemon in the game, along twith arceus and maybe kyougre.
Monogatari, you couldn't use his Dark Void then, cause only one Pokemon of the opponents can be asleep at a time.
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  • #28
Im not worried about dakari being legit, its just dark void (but cant b use coz of sleep clause), but id rather it not b in here coz iof its ability and such.
Ayo said:
Im not worried about dakari being legit, its just dark void (but cant b use coz of sleep clause), but id rather it not b in here coz iof its ability and such.

Uhh. mine doesnt know dark void lol, not high enough level, and it wasent distributed with knowing that at the movie :p Still not going to let me use it? :p

Also, i heard somthing about wifi automatically boosting my pokemon to level 100 so i wont have to actually level them to 100. is this true? If it isnt, i'd like to withdraw my submission, leveling to 100 is just too tiring for me when i have other things to do :p

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