Wii Chat Torney

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a little question about the NEXT tourney
am i not allowed to enter because of me being a legendery trainer?
i DONT use darkrai,shaymin or arceus
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  • #155
Wii_BrEnDo2007 said:
a little question about the NEXT tourney
am i not allowed to enter because of me being a legendery trainer?
i DONT use darkrai,shaymin or arceus
As i no many people like to use ledgendaries, i made the rule in this torney MAX 1 Allowed, and im gona keep it for the next one, so bring only one of ur ledgends.
Reaper12324 said:
becuse 99% of all darkrais are hacked. and even if they werent all hacked it is still a really cheap pokemon......stupid sleep atk with 80% acc.
How would it be stupid if you are battling? Do you get fusterated? Is that why? If so, then it's your fault. Live with it. :mad5:
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  • #163
toadsage said:
hey can i sign up for next tourny PLZ
Yeah sure thing, it will b after Danny and Reaper battle, yday dey had some 'technical' issues so could battle properly, but it will b done by today and hopefully at a time wen im on.
Sweet ayo your an official tourny organiser. Sign me up for the next tourny too, im on regulary now so i won't miss it lol.
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  • #165
yep will do

btw im not official but id like to think my torneys are well run :D


Will do also
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