WiiChat Doubles Open

emmspokemon said:
i thought that was y it was so hard to hit
any way go look at the offical battle thread
and soz for spamming
ice beam!.. what! ice beam! OMFG! ICE BEAM...i give up...
PokeChamp said:
he could have max ivs and had a really good nature then ev trained it in all the stats that dont have good nature, especially the stat that the nature lowers >.>

it makes sense, just use your little brains! :lol: jk... but even i didn't understand it at first! :lol:

???? max ivs are hard to get on every stat unless you bred for a month, there is no poke with 350 speed and has 344 spec def and like 352 hp, and the 279 spec attck,.

nvm found it lol.
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MztikalAce said:
???? max ivs are hard to get on every stat unless you bred for a month, there is no poke with 350 speed and has 344 spec def and like 352 hp, and the 279 spec attck,.

nvm found it lol.
I see one pokemon who can attain those stats i think. The Pokemon is a Timid nature and a legend. at least i think it is

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