WiiChat Doubles Open

gbj153 said:
wow.......reaper vs. messi4h............. thats gonna be some battle xD
I can't believe wuddle lost T.T
i hope ppokechmap wins x}
whoever wins between reaper and mess will face me in da torney, i never battled mess be4
PokeChamp said:
.. his name is massi4h..
i know that i can beat strype..
Have you beat me in a doubles match yet? I know the only person I lost to is Slimi and messi4h i believe ._.
emmspokemon said:
i cant beat anybody,im a loser,but with my new legandery pokemon im getting better(its hacked abililty i know)

emma, you're getting a WHOLE LOT better :D
emmspokemon said:
i cant beat anybody,im a loser,but with my new legandery pokemon im getting better(its hacked abililty i know)
yeah, thats the only way u beat me last night, cuz i was gonna use EQ and its hacked levitate made it miss.. so then you killed it with dragon claw
well this legandery is the only pokemon who can help me get my record higher
hmm ill tell use wat it is

its a

with the ability LEVATATE
with max sp.atk at lv 100 its 399
who cares about da record it doesnt prove anything, yea every1 here is good even u, k even if ur record is 23-30 it doesnt mean anything just train and change ur team around. u actually have good pokemon just teach them good moves and make good combos and u can win

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