Wii owners What other Systems do u own?

Wii and 360 (Wii60 for life) However I also have the old SEGA Dreamcast hooked up to a smaller TV. I still gotta play Powerstone and Quake 3 from time to time.

I used to be a wii60 owner too, but i was dissapointed with 360 because it gave me problems. Not the red ring of death either, I mean problems online and freezing. I bought a wireless adapter for 100 bucks and it still had problems online. It wasn't my router because my wii works fine. Don't get me wrong 360 is a great console, but im just going to wait for the new xbox. I really hope sony gives it up with the playstation series. Nintendo wiped out sega and Microsoft will wipe out sony playstation:) I'm not a fanboy, the ps2 was okay, but ps3 is just garbage. nobody cares about blu ray because there is nothing better about it than dvd, and there is NOTHING good worth playing on ps3 besides MGS 4. After I beat mgs4 I sold my ps3 in. and trust me little big planet was a flop. If you want to create something play G-Mod for the pc!
Gameboy pocket
Gameboy advanced SP
XBOX (broken)
and dont know if it counts but ipod touch...app store has some pretty good games