Wii owners What other Systems do u own?

In addition to the Wii, I have a DS lite, Gamecube, GBA SP, and N64. Got rid of my SNES and Dreamcast many years ago.


A NES. SNES, Sega Genesis, Sega Cd, Sega 32X, Sega Saturn, N64, Gamecube, 360, and Nintendo Wii
Wii and PC is all I need!

I used to have a snes, nes, n64, ds, game gear, genesis, ps2, ps3, xbox, and 360 but I sold all of them. I didn't need the nes snes n64 game gear, or genesis anymore because I can play them games on pc. besides they were dying out anyways. I got bored of ps2. The only game I enjoyed on ps3 was MGS 4. xbox got boring and my 360 gave me problems. So I only have the wii now along with my laptop. I'm not sure if I want to get the xbox 720 or the wii 2? I'm done with sonys crap!
I'm done with sonys crap!

You and me both... Although the PS1(never owned one...) and PS2 were epic win, IMO. The PS3 on it's own is more than enough for me to waste money on, though.

I might be saying something relatively stupid and showing I'm uninformed, but why do people keep referring as the next Microsoft console as "720".. It's not like they announced the name? Not complaining or anything, just.. wondering.

gameboy colour X2
gameboy advanced X2
Ds lite
getting DSI



xbox 360

sega megadrive

and ones i play are?

360 :)
Wii, DS, Gameboy Advance

I'm a Nintendo man. Actually, I've been trying to get a PS2, but my mom won't let me ("Only one non-handheld console in the house at a time!")
I might be saying something relatively stupid and showing I'm uninformed, but why do people keep referring as the next Microsoft console as "720".. It's not like they announced the name? Not complaining or anything, just.. wondering.
they give it a nickname b/c they dont know what else to call it b/c there have been no announcemnts.
they give it a nickname b/c they dont know what else to call it b/c there have been no announcemnts.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking, thanks for the confirmation. I'm uninformed about being uninformed.. lol.
Wii and 360 (Wii60 for life) However I also have the old SEGA Dreamcast hooked up to a smaller TV. I still gotta play Powerstone and Quake 3 from time to time.