40% of Xbox360 Owners be Playing the Wii?


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May 20, 2006
London, England Rank: i-wii-sistable
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Speaking to Next-Gen.Biz from X06 today, Peter Moore stated that40% of Xbox 360 owners could also be playing Nintendo Wii.

In a canny piece of anti-Sony propaganda he said, “Dual platform ownership of Xbox 360 and Wii could be as high as 40% depending on what territory we are talking about. The influence of the Wii-60 movement seems to be growing enormously.”

It’s not the first time Microsoft’s U.S. Xbox 360 chief has praised his rival, while, of course, damning Sony with no praise at all. Moore added, “I have been on the record many times talking about my admiration for Nintendo and the innovation that Wii brings. I am not even sure Nintendo fully understands what it has on its hands”

But the mischievous Liverpudlian could not resist expressing some doubts about Nintendo’s machine. “The controller is innovative but it remains to be seen how innovative your shoulder will feel after an hour’s play.”

He added, “I am personally looking forward to playing with Wii but it’s worth remembering that neither Nintendo nor Sony have released their consoles as yet, so we’ll have to wait and see what happens.

“The question for me is whether owning a Wii on its own is going to be a satisfying enough experience. PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 are more similar than they are different in that respect.”

If this is the case, its good for the Wii :yesnod: :yesnod:
LOL!! i'm one of those 40%!! lol!! How funny, my Wii is going to sit right next to my 360 :lol:!!!
A lot of disgruntled Sony fanboys have already dropped the PS3, and bought themselves an Xbox360, or are waiting for the Wii. I can't wait for Sony to go down the shitter. Their Playstation crap annoys the hell out of me, and is the worst thing that could ever happen to consoles.
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meh. sony should stick to other things, they expect u to buy a ps3 AND a sony HD TV. "this is a sony HDTV so it must work the best with ps3" (this is what i think some pple my think)

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