Wii owners Say

Don't get another console, just save up for all the Great Games coming to the Wii soon.

And if you feel you NEED another console get the 360, the Games and Online play our way better and PS3 just sucks. I still play Halo 2 on my regular XBOX

PS- I only own a XBOX because Gamecube didn't have online play, And I got it really cheap.
Paparazzi12 said:
Hi guys i got a wii and love it but i dont know if i should get a 360 or PS3 so i want ur opinions and wat use think :yesnod: :smilewinkgrin:

I've been trying to decide which to go with myself. I have a feeling that the PS3 will end up w/ the biggest market share, when developers learn how to work with the new hardware. For right now, I'd definitely go with a 360. The graphics seem to be very comparable right now, but the 360 has a more established online service and a huge library of games, not to mention the number of great exclusives.

If I get a 360, it will be for the exclusive games, like Halo 3, Alan Wake, BioShock, Blue Dragon, etc. Also, Suda51 (creator of No More Heroes on the Wii) has expressed an interest in developing games for the 360.

If I were you, I would actually wait for several months to see how the PS3 developes and if the 360 gets a price cut.
i have all 3 consoles and i would honestly warn you against getting a ps3, im not a huge fan of the 360 even though i own one but imo its much better than the ps3. I regret buying the ps3 i could have spent the money on better things. And personally i think the wii is the best console of this generations.
If I were to get another big console, I would get a 360 simply for Forza 2 and Halo 3 (and Gears of War). :yesnod:

Too many errors in both of them. Remember that Wii will have FREE online too and Wii has the best games. Nintendo is smarter than MS and Sony combined, so they have the best consoles and the best games. I mean, Metal Gear and GTA are crap!!!! No other company has Mario and Zelda games! Oh, and WHO has the top selling franshise? That's right, Nintendo has sold over 200 Million Mario games around the world! Pokemon has sold over 160 Million! I don't like to hear negitive things about Wii or Nintendo on a Wii site! I don't want to hear how much you love your 360 and PS3 because they SUCK CRAP! So no more Dissin' Nintendo or Wii and no loving your 360 or PS3! You don't need another console if you own a Wii!
Get PS3 if you like to watch HD movies and like to tinker around with computers. There is a massive library of great games for the 360 right now, but I think technology wise, PS3 is more future-proof, and you do get more for your money than the 360.
get a second wii! more fun, because u can then have a nintendo wii lan party! just imgaine mario party 8 with 8 people instead of crappy 4. i don't know about you, but i smell awsomeness :D
go with 360 because ps3 fails so hard it isnt even funny, its a completely useless system like the psp. i dont like xboxes either but i have to say the 360 is pretty good my friend has one and gears of war is amazing

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