So after it being almost 2 months, what do u think of the wii?

Sorry, I forgot to explain: I like having not beaten any of the games yet, because it spreads out my gameplay, it allows me to enjoy the games every step of the way.
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  • #33
w3sl3y! said:
yeah the xbox has many games i like so far more than the wii

y did u get the wii then, if u prefer the xbox, what made u go for the wii instead? u should be happy with ur system..
Wiitime said:
y did u get the wii then, if u prefer the xbox, what made u go for the wii instead? u should be happy with ur system..

i went with the wii because i heard a lot of good things about it..

and im not saying i hate the wii but rite now i would rather have the 360, thats probably cuz the wii doesnt have online yet and wen it doesn my opinion would probably change
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  • #35
January 24, 2007 - Recently, in speaking with Frontline Studios executive Brian Dreyer, garnered some choice quotes about the challenges faced by third-party developers interested in the Wii. According to Dreyer, big publishers are wary of developing new titles exclusively for the Wii due to the common perception that only first-party games can sell well on Nintendo systems.

"Nintendo hardware is traditionally seen as great for first-party titles, but not so much for third-party games," said Dreyer. "That fact really scares a lot of publishers and frankly we've seen a lot of publishers take that wait-and-see attitude with the Wii. Rightly or wrongly, publishers are more frustrated with that than independent developers are."

Because big-name publishers are approaching Nintendo's new console with no small degree of caution, a gap in the market has opened up that smaller, independent studios have been wise to exploit. Frontline Studios is one such developer, currently working with Digital Amigos and Nibris on the hotly anticipated -- but equally mysterious -- Wii game Sadness.

According to Dreyer, the biggest draw of working on the Wii is the innovative elements of the console that can provide developers with a unique, new approach to game development. While some of the larger publishers such as Ubisoft, Electronic Arts, and SEGA have been giving the Wii some serious support since launch, many Japanese publishing houses -- namely Capcom and Konami -- have been reluctant to offer much in the way of software support.

"It's the marketing warfare. Nintendo is the challenger, it's the underdog and it has to be coming to market with something that is completely different," claimed Dreyer. "Gamers are yawning at these supposedly great-looking games on other systems. With the Wii, we're back to the fundamentals, the nuts and bolts of any videogames experience, which simply means it has to be fun,"

its good to see ea, sega r trying but others r backing out :(
they should make a classic controller option for all games instead of having to use the wiimote all the time like what they did for mortal kombat.
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yeah, that would be ok, i wouldnt do it b/c the controls r a big part of the system, but then it would be concitered a regular system with regular controls. i like the controls for the wii.
i had a wii for a month, got bored, then sold it. Now i have a 360 and can't stop playing it. The games and graphics are awesome and so is online play. I love xbox LIVE.

I will probably get the wii when it drops down to $200, in march if the rumor is true.
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  • #39
alocubano1110 said:
i had a wii for a month, got bored, then sold it. Now i have a 360 and can't stop playing it. The games and graphics are awesome and so is online play. I love xbox LIVE.

I will probably get the wii when it drops down to $200, in march if the rumor is true.

the wii.. is s-l-o-w-l-y f-a-l-l-i-n-g hopefully it will rise back up!
dedpoet777 said:
got over 100 hours of gameplay on mine, including zelda. i have had no issue with it, it has frozen once. i still love it, though im being patient waiting on more titles that interest me. im proud of nintendo for it. when i first heard the specs on the "revolution" i was concerned that it would be nintendos last system. once the controller was revealed, that all changed. i think nintendo has a lot more to come, including great systems in the future. they truly reinvented the wheel on this one. they almost reinvented the power glove from 89'.

I've got 80 hours of Zelda alone, still working through it, every time I get something new I go back through the areas I was once at and see what new things I can do. I have over 40 hours of Madden, finishing year 2 of my franchise. I have over 50 hours of Excite Truck, great game. I only have about 10 hours of Rayman, I wish it was an adventure game and not these crazy mini games.
Got my wii on launch day and haven't gotten bored yet. If I get tired of a certain game then I just play another one. With 5 wii games, 13 gc games, and 3 vc games I never run out of things to play.
got my wii on the first week of december play it sometymes now.. not like when i first got it i have zeldo and call of duty 3.. i did see a fishing game at gamestop lastnight..any one have tried that game out? i think it rapala trophy i think not sure ..i mostly play the 360 now ..but once the wii starts getting a bigger library of games ill be playing the wii more but for now its mostly my 360 and once in awhile wii here and there
I've had mine a month now, and no regrets.
My wife and I beat Zelda last night, only took 56 hours of total gameplay :)

Wiisports is still fun. Wario ware is odd, but fun too.
I brought it to my parents (in their 50's), ( I forgot the sensor bar, so I used candles as replacements which did work BTW), and they liked it. My father asked how much it was when we left :)

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