Wii owners Say

Wiinoob said:
If you like online play and you don't wanna pay for it (like me :) ) then I would recommend a ps3, although i'm not sure of the quality of the games that are out and are coming out. On the other hand, if you want good games, but don't mind forkin' over a few bucks for online play then go with 360.
There's only 1.5 Million PS3's out in the World I bet less than half play online meaning you have a Free online but is anyone playing it anyway?
While i think the PS3 will be the better system in the end for now i'd say go for the 360. Lots and lots of games out and at least here in the UK you can get some pretty good deals.

Another thing to consider is if there are any games your particularly want to play?

I personally had a 360 before xmas played GoW, loved the co-op story option, but after that there wasnt that much that appealed to me. Most games i could get on the PC anyway and i always really prefered the mouse & keyboard to a gamepad.
<-- not a hater

K.. I've done alot of research on both the 360 and the ps3... I dont know if alot of you guys follow the wars in close perspective but I do (I got tons of time at work:drool:)

If the 360 gets a price cut the ps3 will die in the market... although it has nice graphics it is ridiculasly expensive to make a game for, and very difficult. On top of which it has very few game titles that are only for ps3..

So I would recomend the 360... It will get a price cut soon so keep an eye out :O)
^plus most of the good games coming to the PS3 are not coming until late this year. Lair is suppose to be out late spring/Summer then you have a long time before GTA, Assassin's Creed and Metal Gear Solid come out.
I'd say Nintendo DS (Yes it is a handheld) but.. they have some great titles coming to NDS, if you don't already own one that is, for instance, Children of mana (I think its the latest installment of the mana series if not world of mana is i dont know the release dates) I hear FFXII is coming to the DS too.. it has FF3.... that lunar dragon song (not sure if its good havent gotten it yet)

and I believe TWO FFT games if not deff 1, and many more..

never get a ps3 tho, its just a cheap ripoff of all that is nintendo and now that nintendos put itself back in the ring sony and microsoft wont stand a chance.

thats my opinion at least.. I think the only reason sony has sucess is because of nintendo not trying harder to get ontop, but, not to mention, like every good game PS3 has was originaly nintendo, Metal gear, Final fantasy (Their two biggest selling titles) not sure about grand theft auto but i dont like that game much anyway
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in addition to my Wii, i also have a 360. for the price, you cant go wrong, plus some amazing games. the price for ps3, imo, is not worth it. the price of the console, plus the price of the game, plus accessories, ....do you really want to spend nearly a grand? if you do, go ahead and buy yourself the ps3. if you do want something in addition to the Wii, i'd personally chose the 360 over a PS3 any day :thumbsup:
yea xbox360 all the new ones will have a new dvd drives so there wont be as much nosie from the drive im gettin a xbox360 soon
If you're bored with the Wii (blasphemy), pick up a 360. It's a great console, has a 'virtual console' too with great games like Castlevania: SoTN and games like Dead or Alive Extreme 2.... :3
paintba||er said:
Well would you be using it for online play? If so definetly go with the 360. If not then probably the PS3 if you can find one.

not if you can find one.. that's easy enough.. if you can afford one :thumbsup:
krenshaw said:
why get either of them.. keep all that money and use it for all the great stuff when it comes out for the wii.. like headset for online gaming, charging station for controllers.. many more games through VC :D
I totally agree with that.
dont buy another console, just save up more and buy a nice computer, or a kayak, or something else. but if you do get another go with ps3
yeah i never understand why people need more than one console.. do you really have that much time and money burning??

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