Wii Friend Code Exchange V 2.0

A friend code or "fc" is specific to a game and is usually 12 digits. That FC is associated with your Wii Console. Your Wii Cosole Has a Name(You can change this in the Wii Options menu when you first turn on your Wii,lower left icon. From there you go to Wii Options(lower Right menu option icon)From here you go to console nickname.

Your 16 digit Wii Console Number is a 16 digit unique ID located @ the Wii Message board: To view yours take these steps.
1. From Wii Starting Homepage click on lower right icon that says "Wii Message Board"
2. Next you will see 2 icons on lower left of page. The First says "Calendar" The second says"Create Message". Click on "Create Message.
3. Now there will be 3 icons in the middle of the sceen. The Icon on the far right middle of the screen says"Address Book", click on this icon.
4. This will now display your Unique Wii Console Number for your system. Some games require that you register friends this way in order to play online together. For Example:Dj Hero, Rock Band etc. To do this successfully both online gamer must register eachothers Wii Consoles in order to exchange messages and play online.

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Once you find out what yours is type it on a notepad document on your pc and save to your desktop for easy accessing in order to copy and paste quickily. Also it would be a good idea to update your profile on your user control panel so people on this site can see it on see it when viewing your posts.

Hope that helps & Good Luck

Hey, guys, let me know who still comes to this site from this thread, and let me know if you wanna add me, my codes are in my signature.
can everybody be sure to add my fc and let me know when you do so i can add you

im new 2 the wii could u plz added me 2 the wii

my wii number is :

0004 4053 0780 4412
I'll add the both of you, just copy my friend code down, it's in my signature!
Add me!!!!!

0409 1929 5640 7424 and send me a private message to let me kno
add friends

i add jumpinggod and A2Dazor numbers..what to do now?isnt suppose to see them in my mii channel if they add me too?
No, only if they added you as well,AND if they send you their Miis. you can only send Miis in the Mii channel
My Wii Friend Code is 4454-9437-0125-6766 Feel Free to add me. I dont have many games yet but i do enjoy playing online!

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