Goldeneye 'Official Friend code" exchange.

0778 2353 3894

Hey guys, if anyone wants to add me as a friend, here is my code: 0778 2353 3894
see ya! :nunchuck::wiimote::lol:
hello, my FC is: 0326-6561-7207
i got the game not to long ago and i really suck at it, but i hope we can still have fun! :smile5:
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Hello GoldenEye players!!! I am BamBoOzeLeR, and I would like to invite you to this discord server:, if you don't have discord already and you don't know what it is for, it is a gaming app. You can contact and coordinate games with your fellow GoldenEye players via text messages. A lot of the best GoldenEye players use this app and are on this server. There is also another server for coordinating weekly tournaments which I will send you once you get in the first server.

If you have played GoldenEye recently, you might recognize some of the people in this server. Here are a few of the more active members, A51 Trooper, Soup, Me (I have many IGNs), Baliss, Dr. Science, Graslu00, CBG, Linkz, Alfa Dog, DaisyFan, El3MENT, Grey Fox, Mr. Snrub, and many more, this is also probably the best way to get friends on GE multiplayer. As of now there are 83 confirmed GoldenEye players in that server, and average of about 10 players online at all times.

Again, I highly recommend you get this app if you play GoldenEye multiplayer, it is a great way to contact your GE friends and play games with each other.
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