Wii Friend Code Exchange V 2.0

:) add me totally new to this^^

Hi guys i just bought a wii recently and am looking to chat up and play some games. if you could add me:)

Wii code: 4751 0210 3102 2392

Add me,just got the red Wii 2 weeks ago.Playing the new DK,New Super Mario Bros.,Wii Sport and my favorite Tatsunoko vs Capcom.I have a good wired connection looking for cool people to play games with and let me know some good online games for the Wii.6413-4439-5746-4975

Tatsunoko vs Capcom,3610-8233-2890,C0R3Y
just set my wii up online, and dont no anyone who goes online with theres, please add me (if you want to) and send me your code and nickname
mine is 6270 5817 0179 5334 nickname moocowx3 thank you
hey u people u should add me my # is 8015-8992-4094-1115 ssbb # 3653-7174-0965 i got more tell later
Wii Code:0712-0208-9987-6574

Call Of Duty WaW:485636665470

Animal Crossing City Folf: Town: SwEeTs Name:gAbRiEl 3438-1778-7518

Mario Kart Wii:5371-3252-0979

*New Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition:097881873213 Name Master

Send me a message of ur code to me and we can play:yesnod:
friend code

yo my fc is 6088 6114 5266 5560

have super smash brawl, mario football, goldeneye, tiger woods & ea tennis

can someone explain to me whats the difference between the friend code and the mario kart code? my mario kart is 3439-0506-2313

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