Wii Firmware 3.0 Update

dakuda said:
802.11n has yet to be finalized and approved. 802.11g works just fine. Heck, it is faster than the internet connection that most people have. Cable theoretically supports 30Mbps (most are real-world max at 6Mbps) while 802.11g supports 54Mbps. Why not stop being an ass, and let people use what they have?

A fool and his money are soon parted and you are a marketing department's dream customer.

my laptop supports 802.11n ^^
Clish said:
my laptop supports 802.11n ^^

well my imac supports that!

here are the major changes

Feature additions on your Wii console when it is updated to version 3 from version 2:

Wii Menu
The weather forecast will now be displayed on the Forecast Channel icon in the Wii Menu.
Headline news will now be displayed on the News Channel icon in the Wii Menu.
The current time will now be displayed in the Wii Menu.
The area around the Wii Message Board button will now flash when a message arrives.

Wii Message Board
You're now able to rearrange the order of your Wii Friends in the address book.
You're now able to go into the Wii Friends registration screen by pressing the A Button on a blank spot in the address book.
Envelope message icons will now appear on the calendar only on the dates when a message is received.
Your message sending history will now be displayed in Today's Accomplishments.
You can now scroll the message text by pressing the B button on the message screen.

Wii Shop Channel
The search function on Virtual Console has been enhanced.
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OmegaForte said:
Well I come to learn that the wii has a serious hardware limitation.


11mbit. Just terrible, especially at ranges since it will drop into .11a real fast, unless you've got a decent broadcasting router, or if you're using the nintendo RJ45 bridge, you don't have this problem. But now if your internet's cutting out, and you've got xDSL, call your provider and have them do a line test. Won't cost you a cent and may find the root of any problem you may be having with it. I'd also do a network contingency check if you've got the hardware but make sure to test both mediums, wired and wireless. If you want a good network testing method, drop me a private message.

The Wii uses a Mitsumi DWM-W004/Broadcom 4318 wifi adapter which supports 802.11b/g
More info here:
There is a new update agane like i am trying to say. the new one has somthing to do wuth the network crap in it. I got an email from nintendo today saying i need to update but i dont. i did that one it is 3.0U the other one was 3.U
OmegaForte said:
Both of you.

You're both forgetting the most important part of wireless connectivity. Obsolescence. B is gone. G is about to die, since N's already hit the corporate scale, and I myself am about to invest in some N gear.

I'd disagree with this statement. Any large corporate entity worth it's salt will not be touching the N standard until it is an officially ratified standard. This is scheduled for release in March 2009 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_N#802.11n) - any N devices you buy right now, are only based on a draft specification. Worst case scenario is that the standard could have changed by 2009, and "N" devices sold now are incompatible, but this is highly unlikely.

I'd say G easily has another 5 years left in it, if not 10. It's theoretical maximum is more than enough for the average US broadband speed, and until people begin hitting that, there's no compelling reason to upgrade.
Hello. Update your wii for a 2sn time. god. there is a nother update for the lan adaptor and the wlan lan and some games chees

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