Wii Firmware 3.0 Update

The Wii disc slot illuminates when you eject a disc. It did not do this before for those of youthinking that it did. It would only flash when you turned it on or pulsate when youg to a message.
Oh yeah. That throbbing crap can wake a man up at 5:30 in the morning. Especially when it thinks I have to get up RIGHT THEN and grab that firmware update.
Jaylar said:
Yet one more feture that noone has mentioned, the Wii screen now has a digital clock on the bottom center!
Yeah does someone want to tell me where its getting that time from? Because mine is completely wrong......how do you change it?
I guess it updates depending on your location. Mine's right.
Secumfex said:
Not yet, but as far as i heared American Wii Owners have to accept a site in which it says that Nintendo is allowed to brick modded Wii's if they want to.

The Wii's modchip's still working fine, but as this disclaimer said and which you had to accept to update the Wii, they are now allowed to brick the Wii and you're not allowed to cry about it. Or well, you can cry, but it won't change anything.
Is the new agreement you have to accept dated newer than the one that originally came with the Wii? When I check the Wii Network agreement it's dated 11/19/06. Seemed like it had to download it from their website just to view it.

In this agreement they warn you not to use unauthorized devices and state they may damage your Wii console. They don't go into details how it may damage the console. So that's kind of left open for them to do it I guess. They also state they can disable unauthorized or illegal software that has been placed on your console without notifying you.

So is the new agreement different than the Wii Network Service/Wii Console agreement 11/19/06 you had to agree to just to use the networking features in the first place?

edit: Also, Wii Shop and the News Channel don't work anymore unless you get the 3.0 update, at least for me. Says I need the update for it to function.
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The updates aren't really anything special, nor will they change the experience of the wii so I was quite disappointed with it but I guess the little things help.
Bloodfin182 said:
Yeah does someone want to tell me where its getting that time from? Because mine is completely wrong......how do you change it?

in wii settings under the calendar tab. This update also allows you to use a usb keyboard in basically everything except the internet channel....go figure...
YAY! USB Keyboards! Boo! Crappy internet browser made by the worst browser alternative avaliable!
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OmegaForte said:
YAY! USB Keyboards! Boo! Crappy internet browser made by the worst browser alternative avaliable!
I agree with you. It's good that you can use keyboards now but a shame that the browser doesn't have enough functionality.
Hi all..I have not been online in a while..been busy working and stuff..but I am trying to update my WII and I am noticing that it is taking a very very long time to update..in fact..the blue bar has not moved from its original spot in about 5 minutes already..it just says "updating, do not turn the power off..please wait a moment" does it usually take this time for it to even move from the beginning?
so what has changed? Is it important
dang i want to use keybod in the internet ch
i dont see thekey bord thing
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You plug a keyboard into a USB port. I use my Sardock Playstation 2 keyboard because it doesn't need drivers like my other two do. It just...Works.
Hello there,i'm a newbie and need HELP!

When i was updating the WII from 2.2U to 3.0U,suddenly it shows error code(34002),saying that internet firewall bla bla bla..

but when i got back to the wii menu, it showed the digital clock!!
oh no!is this update corrupted?should i re-update again or just let it be??

darn!the broadband in here(indonesia) sucks, for 50% update in takes 2 hours!!
thanks for the keybord thing. but tomiko_v4n it seems like you have to frim were somthing bewteen 2.2u and somhing like 3.0u try updating. it agane.

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