Wii Firmware 3.0 Update

Keyboard still don't work on the internet channel yet. Just for messages and other Wii areas.
The Keyboard doesn't work in the Internet channel. It's covered in this thread.
Anyone else's Wii disk slot light up when its turned off? i swear this didn't happen before the update.
SChen said:
Anyone else's Wii disk slot light up when its turned off? i swear this didn't happen before the update.
Yes. Even with v2.2U the slot will light up when you have a message from Nintendo that they want you to read. Like when the 3.0 update was available, and when the Metroid Prime 3 demo too. It happens when it's powered off, but not sure if you'll see it when it's power on.
Bigjake52 said:
thanks for the keybord thing. but tomiko_v4n it seems like you have to frim were somthing bewteen 2.2u and somhing like 3.0u try updating. it agane.

is there any game with 3.0 U update?
coz my internet is really really sucks,i'm not sure it will be suceeded when reupdate again..
Well I come to learn that the wii has a serious hardware limitation.


11mbit. Just terrible, especially at ranges since it will drop into .11a real fast, unless you've got a decent broadcasting router, or if you're using the nintendo RJ45 bridge, you don't have this problem. But now if your internet's cutting out, and you've got xDSL, call your provider and have them do a line test. Won't cost you a cent and may find the root of any problem you may be having with it. I'd also do a network contingency check if you've got the hardware but make sure to test both mediums, wired and wireless. If you want a good network testing method, drop me a private message.
I'm not shure if there is a new enuff game that has the update. I found somthing elts with the update. if yo just have the wii mote on with out the ccontroller you can get pasted the message saying you need to plug in a controller.
I wish. My keybord sucks. but what i said was thanks for the usb keyboard thing. I'm not sure that there is a new game with the update.
and the other thing i found with the update i was wrong i had a gc controller in it
They didn't document it but I'm guessing that the also improved wireless router support.
My previously incompatible Belkin Wifi is suddenly connecting. I'm going to stick with the LAN connector though, it's still faster.
DR.MOM the lan is the sme speed there is no driffrence it's meaning over a lan you network but your isp is driffret than 100mb
Since my wifi is a fair distance from the wii my connect speed is about 2 mps on the download, on the direct LAN it's 4. Distance from the router does affect the connection speed.

Dr. Mom
Both of you.

You're both forgetting the most important part of wireless connectivity. Obsolescence. B is gone. G is about to die, since N's already hit the corporate scale, and I myself am about to invest in some N gear.

Also. 2Mbit/S=256KB/S. 2Mbit is about all your standard DSL provider and most cheap cable providers give you. And I bet a good chunk of you weirdos are DSL customers. So, without further ado, shut the hell up. No one cares if you get 2 more Megabits with the 10Mbit LAN adapter. It's all old technology anyway.

Thoroughly unimpressed with your horrible posting methods;
OmegaForte- The king and queen of baking.
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Update your wii i chnges some setting in my internet that it wanted me to updade so i did and there is a naw one now 3.0U well thats what mine says i diddo the other one a few days a goe

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