Wii Chat Torney

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umm aerodactyl has a super high attack also!!!
and my electivire was holding a fist plate....

and do not double post!
yay go pokechamp sometimes i wishj i wasent a legendery trainer cause most people have rules sgainst my type
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  • #111
PokeChamp said:
and i went on marriland.... thunder wave has nothing to do with affecting speed..
it does, it slow the pokemon down, but im not sure by how much.
yes.. i also just went on serebii and looked there... oh well... i still won... :D

cheaters never prosper (by much) :lol:
i actually started another tourny.... people who were left out in this one and monogatari's, can join mine..
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  • #117
Im making a doubles after this one but i want 16 people, but 32 would b nice, ive got a shortlist of 7 peolpe who have already said they are in.
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