Wii Chat Torney

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  • #91
Yep, everything has been update, just waiting for PokeChamp and Ahmed2 to battel. But Diamond Matt and Danny can have thier battle now.
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  • #96
Its on the front page, i think its reaper, all the info u need is alwayson the front page so keep checking it as im always updating it
i won!
but my garchomp used Earthquake on his arcanine and luxray... took two to kill arcanine, then used dragon rush on luxray... still alive even with STAB and life orb.... and his blissey was faster than aerodactyl, while my slow as heck electivire went first... took three brick breaks to kill his blissey...
my rayquaza knocked the crap out of his garchomp with outrage, and 350 attk (from daNn) holding a persim berry to heal confusion! :D
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  • #102
Ahmed, i did say no hacked pokemon, and all ur pokemon were in masterballs for a start and 3 brickbreaks on a blissey is very unusual, and it being faster than aerodactyl is impossible, but PokeChamp won anyway
hah.... tougher than i look huh!? beat u even with hacks..

even with thunder wave.. my 380 speed aerodactyl should be faster..
he started witha n earthquake aginst my blissey then i did thunder wave which im suppose to be faster wen i do thunder wave and about that brickbreaker my def and spdef is very high com on ppl
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