Why do you guys hate so much

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So you can play games sitting two feet away from a small monitor with a crappy game? Um no thanks. I will take my premium console anyday of the week.
LOL a large # of the games that are made for PS3 are also made for PCs. PCs can do anything that PS3 can do + more.
kissoff182 said:
LOL a large # of the games that are made for PS3 are also made for PCs. PCs can do anything that PS3 can do + more.
I see that, and all I think is, "Word!" hit the nail on the head.
hmmm I don't see why everyone hates the PS3 so much, the price can be a factor but thats about it. So everyone was talking about games, well I don't see any good games out for the Wii other then zelda, the rest of them suck. If the Wii is so good and everything why can't they make a half decent game with this new technology of gameplay, as far as I'm seeing theres only gonna be a couple good games come out in the next few months. I have a Wii myself and now that i beat zelda there is nothing left to do on it, if the wii had online play (especially for Wii sports) then it would make the system a lot more fun. I don't hate the Wii, I just think the PS3 is better.
Wii&Ps3 said:
Obviously you dont comprehend what I wrote. If you have read any of my previous posts, you would see that I know how much data a blu ray disk can hold. A quad layer blu ray disk will be released to hold 200gb. Its pretty simple math. maybe not for everyone though.

Your original argument against me was that blue ray discs were coming close to being fully utilized and now you are saying they have barely scratched the surface of it's limits. So, which is it?

A 15 Gigabyte game doesn't need to be blue ray, and if a game comes close to that it's mostly cinematic content and not actual game play.
Yeah it would be really smart for sony to have every single game they produce on more than one disk :lol: Think about it. Maybe a few games is fine, but most of sonys launch games will not fit on a dvd. Those are just launch games! Your arguement is stupid. Until you come up with something good, stop replying.
Wii&Ps3 said:
Yeah it would be really smart for sony to have every single game they produce on more than one disk :lol: Think about it. Maybe a few games is fine, but most of sonys launch games will not fit on a dvd. Those are just launch games! Your arguement is stupid. Until you come up with something good, stop replying.

What do you mean his argument is stupid. He has trumped you on every post, you can't even stay arguing on the same topic for more than two posts. you keep switching what your arguing on whenever he comes up with something better, smarter, and something that is actually right. your argument is stupid my friend, very very stupid.
I think people are forgetting it costs time and money to fill up a 15gb DVD/BR. When the Sega DC launched, most games did not fill up the 1gb CD. This has been a fact for all games on all systems. Only 5%-15% of games actually fill up the capacity. Do you have any idea how much content you'd have to put into a 200gb game? I'm assuming you also want quality content? The only games I can see getting past 50gb are FF13, and Xeno Saga.
Wii&Ps3 said:
Obviously you dont comprehend what I wrote. If you have read any of my previous posts, you would see that I know how much data a blu ray disk can hold. A quad layer blu ray disk will be released to hold 200gb. Its pretty simple math. maybe not for everyone though.

um single layer 25gb... so quad 4 layer = 200gb?? :eek:ut:

it's pretty simple math right? care to explain?
i was questioning Wii&Ps3's original message which stated quad layer disk was 200gb.
imae said:
i was questioning Wii&Ps3's original message which stated quad layer disk was 200gb.

Ahhhh....Too many pages to read through on this. Get so accustomed to seeing people posting some ridiculous math crap and it's funny to get a reaction....but since you were making fun of the guy, sorry.

Spiderking13 said:
What do you mean his argument is stupid. He has trumped you on every post, you can't even stay arguing on the same topic for more than two posts. you keep switching what your arguing on whenever he comes up with something better, smarter, and something that is actually right. your argument is stupid my friend, very very stupid.

I see you talking, but all i hear is nonsense. I have not been trumped. He says no games will go over 15gb, but there will be plenty.

I was reading about the quad layer disks when I read sony is looking into 200gb disks. For some reason I though the disks were 50gb :lol:
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