Who Will Win? And Why?

Sovieto said:
360 everywhere but Japan
Wii (in japan #1)

I don't get why everyone says: Ohh the price on the wii is so little

even though they are ripping you off compared to the 360/ps3 and 360 is ONLY $50 more in US.....

wii=steals your money
ps3=wants you to invest
360=gives you a bargin

lol now whos a fanboy?
I'm going to go out on a limb and say by 2010 were going to have something looking a bit like this
3.Xbox 360
I REALLY hope I'm wrong
This will really be determined by which format will win the war. HD-DVD or Blu-Ray. Right now Blu-Ray is dominating in sales over HD-DVD. If this continues then I believe the PS3 will favor greatly and in about 3 years will take the lead and never be caught. The 360 is such a wonderful machine and with the Tivo/cable comming this year its only looking better. The Wii is slowly dying off. The games are getting worse and just arent worth $50 a pop. Companies arent able to really take advantage of the Wiimote and by next year the Wii will be nothing but a party system or a way to play your overpriced classics.....again.

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Lethal said:
This will really be determined by which format will win the war. HD-DVD or Blu-Ray. Right now Blu-Ray is dominating in sales over HD-DVD. If this continues then I believe the PS3 will favor greatly and in about 3 years will take the lead and never be caught. The 360 is such a wonderful machine and with the Tivo/cable comming this year its only looking better. The Wii is slowly dying off. The games are getting worse and just arent worth $50 a pop. Companies arent able to really take advantage of the Wiimote and by next year the Wii will be nothing but a party system or a way to play your overpriced classics.....again.


No, no no and hell no lol. your list should be turned upside down. There is no way the ps3 will catch up with the wii, let alone the 360...

BTW, i am NOT a fanboy, when i made this thread i was young and uneducated in consoles :D

I wasnt a fanboy then, i just sounded like one, but seriously i think the 360 is great, the ps3 crap (term used loosly) , and the wii excellent. i just dont like ps3, compared to the other two. Dont mind 360.
Lethal said:
This will really be determined by which format will win the war. HD-DVD or Blu-Ray. Right now Blu-Ray is dominating in sales over HD-DVD. If this continues then I believe the PS3 will favor greatly and in about 3 years will take the lead and never be caught. The 360 is such a wonderful machine and with the Tivo/cable comming this year its only looking better. The Wii is slowly dying off. The games are getting worse and just arent worth $50 a pop. Companies arent able to really take advantage of the Wiimote and by next year the Wii will be nothing but a party system or a way to play your overpriced classics.....again.


Wow...are you kidding? Or are you being ignorantly pessimistic? The Wii right now is far from dying. Games are worse now? I think that's just your opinion; I have seen loads of people say that SSX is one of the best Wii games yet and others love Sonic and the Secret Rings. Also, you assuming that no one is capable of developing games with great Wiimote controls is rather stupid. Give the Wii a chance and see how the big titles turn out. Oh, and I have never played NES or SNES games. So your slur against the VC fails.

Sovieto: So are you saying that motion sensing is low tech (which means that everyone should have it now)? It doesn't seem like it to me!
RedProdigy said:
Wow...are you kidding? Or are you being ignorantly pessimistic? The Wii right now is far from dying. Games are worse now? I think that's just your opinion; I have seen loads of people say that SSX is one of the best Wii games yet and others love Sonic and the Secret Rings. Also, you assuming that no one is capable of developing games with great Wiimote controls is rather stupid. Give the Wii a chance and see how the big titles turn out. Oh, and I have never played NES or SNES games. So your slur against the VC fails.

Sovieto: So are you saying that motion sensing is low tech (which means that everyone should have it now)? It doesn't seem like it to me!

i said: low-tech hardware
So the Xbox is low tech? And doesn't having motion controls require special hardware (or perhaps it doesn't..)?

Again, it's all opinion. You may say the PS3 is a bargain but I may say it rapes your wallet.
its a marketing game, and we're the losing players... in the end we the consumer lose, and they win.

from what i see in USA xbox 360 will win, and ps3 and wii ties... now if we consider PC gaming in, PC gaming will always win no matter what...
RedProdigy said:
So the Xbox is low tech? And doesn't having motion controls require special hardware (or perhaps it doesn't..)?

Again, it's all opinion. You may say the PS3 is a bargain but I may say it rapes your wallet.
no, people connect wiimotes to PCs with simple software/arrangments

no its basically a fact that the ps3 is a bargain though
if u look at it yes the ps3 give u a bargain with the blue-ray. To a non gamer or someone who loves games and does not have the money for it, they would get a Wii. The 360 been out longer so it has the better advantage right now. I think the ps3 wii be the loser of the next gen war because of price and the 360 has the same games and its lower in price. The wii is a new way of gaming so i think its going to win

1. wii
2. 360
3. ps3
it has nothing to do with the new format of dvd.. most everyone who has reviewed the consoles has said DVD format at all is going to die off in the next 5-10 years there was no point for anyoen to come out with a new physical media format.. the only thing people are intrested in are smaller memory cards with more capacity.. and were to get a bigger DVR... there has been more copies sold of The Green Mile then all the blueray and HDDVD disk combined... its not catching on, and wont catch on except for just added to a current setup.. people will buy hddvd or blueray, but not at added cost and only if its going to be added to something they use everyday anyways like a dvd burner or DVR... people arnt going to go out of there way to get an update of old technology when they have it coming into there digital satelite or cablebox everyday for a fraction of the cost...

its all going to play out in price and games...

the 360 and PS3 about the same graphics and gameplay wise.. 360 has a bigger library so far and is cheeper so it is doing better.. but if the ps3 drops down to even 400 dollars and competes with the high end 360.. then PS# sales would come up..

wii is in a whole different area not as good of graphics,not the same games,different gameplay.. you really cant compare them its 2 different types of consoles... unlike gamecube,ps2,xbox which were all the same pretty much with different graphics for each..

worldwide, wii will win numbers wise just because of the gameplay, 360 will take a big jump in international sales because of the ps3 price and it being really the only other alternative to a ps3... ps3 will struggle untill a price drop happens, its been out longer then the wii and is falling behind quickly.. 360 is slowing but still keeping a steady pace now that they are in stock, as the wii will in probably the next 6 months... i dont really see anyone loosing badly besides ps3 though unless they make changes quick...
Wii has no online multiplayer. Probably never will. Just like they promised the Gamecube would have it. The Wii wont win anything.
theiceman72 said:
Based on the numbers and numbers only it will look like this.


I just dont think the PS3 has a chance in hell with the regular consumer due to extreme high price tag. I just dont see it happening.

Now if the price drops to around $300 - $400 and they can produce enough units then maybe it will look like this.


if ps3 drop that much they prob wont even get profit from games lol.

id say:

1. Wii/360 (close, cant say)
2. Ps3 (died of cancer)
Lethal said:
Wii has no online multiplayer. Probably never will. Just like they promised the Gamecube would have it. The Wii wont win anything.

uhm gamecube had online pultiplayer (phantasy star) and there are already games in production that are going to be online for Wii