is ps3 really that bad?

Lamar/TBD said:
Coz Sony was an asshole to nintendo and caused the N64 not to sell as much >:C
They really need to move those next gen systems in the US before 2009. The Canadian dollar is now 7 cents more than the US dollar. The US is on the verge of a massive economic collapse. I don't need to point out all the current problems, I hope the people in California are doing ok from that forest fire.
sagema said:
They really need to move those next gen systems in the US before 2009. The Canadian dollar is now 7 cents more than the US dollar. The US is on the verge of a massive economic collapse. I don't need to point out all the current problems, I hope the people in California are doing ok from that forest fire.
please enlighten me on this economic collapse?
Please do it via PM.
[ontopic] IMO, PS3 is, by comparison, the cheapest system. Blueray players are in the ballpark of $1000 so $400-$500 is super cheap. I'd pay that without blueray.
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PaperLuigi said:
yes, it is

Enlighten us on why you feel that way, rather than using three words to end a thread in which you don't have power to do.

CantGetAWii said:
Well there is no way to tell for sure, as things haven't played out yet, but while ps3 is doing their thing the other systems are not just sitting around.
Wii has sold well despite not having good games, and they are getting their hits out this year and early next year.

So the Wii won't slump and will still sell relatively well.
Based on that, and with what the ps3 is doing I just don't see them making up all that ground any time soon.
It'll happen down the road perhaps, but it won't be changing drastically this Christmas.

As for the Ps3, I may get that or a 360 for Christmas.
I think both are doing their part in their respective categories.

That was my response to this thread.
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its not, i mean, yes it is a highly over priced super machine that can send emails to jesus, but we all make it sound worse then it actually is...

the ps3 will have great games soon, mgs4 guns of the patriots, wich is by the way the only reason i am buying a ps3 , and then there is grand theft auto 4, but unfortunately for sony, its a multy platform title, but non the less, the ps3 is good, we just cant see it right now
zapasant93 said:
its not, i mean, yes it is a highly over priced super machine that can send emails to jesus, but we all make it sound worse then it actually is...

the ps3 will have great games soon, mgs4 guns of the patriots, wich is by the way the only reason i am buying a ps3 , and then there is grand theft auto 4, but unfortunately for sony, its a multy platform title, but non the less, the ps3 is good, we just cant see it right now

Like I said though, its going to have to do more than that, it will need to go over leaps and bounds to pull off something big real soon.

Nintendo's got its big guns coming as well, and the Wii has already done well on some sub-par games.

Best thing for Sony to do would be to wait for a hole in the other consoles titles. Like Mid 2008, that way not everyone is selling good games at the same time.
ps3 games arnt bad theyr good in my opinion theyr just a bit overprised its impossible to find second hand games for less than 45 euro altough I have seen yesterday motorstorm for 30,

I think ill stik by my wiii for a couple of years lol
i was always a nintendo kid. dabbled in sega. but playstation had nothing i want. nowadays, it has one game i want. i'm not going to spend ~AUD$1,000 on a console i'll use for one game. i don't care about flashy graphics. i think playstation is overrated. the most i would pay for any playstation console is ~AUD$150-250. it's ****.

Yungblood6 the price of oil has gone up so much, people around me are being evicted! They can't pay the heating bill for their massive houses, it's over $3 a gallon. That's just a very small amount of the crap that hit the fan. It's not going to improve as we make the transition away from oil (Which will be very soon), there is NO infastructure we can pop up over night to replace the gasoline powered car, this alone will cost us trillions in mere years. Crap man, what are you blind? Just look around you, things are increasing a lot in price. In my state Milk alone went from $1 to $3 per gallon.