who here is mad at.....

Isn't all this "I play abc and I've never xyz" kinda misplaced? The idea isn't that all video gamers kill because they play violent video games, but the impact that violent video games have on those who have killed. I would be interested in knowing how many murderers, specifically kids killing kids, did NOT have any experience with violent video games, or other violent media.

I agree with a previous poster - violent media does desensitize us. Not only video games, but other forms of media as well; television, movies, even music. IMHO, this impact is subtle. Google 'statistics on video game violence' and read a few of the articles. Nearly all of them cite a belief that this type of game has a direct link to real life violence.

And, for the record, I don't think jumping on a turtle shell is the same as blowing someone's brains out, blood, gore and all - and getting bonus points for doing it. I've played video games for a lot of years and love them. However, rated E is all I feel comfortable with nowadays for our family.

I know this will turn up the heat. This was posted in a forum where most play the violent games and, thus, want to agree that they do not affect them. I humbly disagree.
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thank you for so many posts,i agree with every post.
zero7980 said:
Isn't all this "I play abc and I've never xyz" kinda misplaced? The idea isn't that all video gamers kill because they play violent video games, but the impact that violent video games have on those who have killed. I would be interested in knowing how many murderers, specifically kids killing kids, did NOT have any experience with violent video games, or other violent media.

I agree with a previous poster - violent media does desensitize us. Not only video games, but other forms of media as well; television, movies, even music. IMHO, this impact is subtle. Google 'statistics on video game violence' and read a few of the articles. Nearly all of them cite a belief that this type of game has a direct link to real life violence.

And, for the record, I don't think jumping on a turtle shell is the same as blowing someone's brains out, blood, gore and all - and getting bonus points for doing it. I've played video games for a lot of years and love them. However, rated E is all I feel comfortable with nowadays for our family.

I know this will turn up the heat. This was posted in a forum where most play the violent games and, thus, want to agree that they do not affect them. I humbly disagree.

Like I said, someone who can be affected by a violent video game or film enough to kill is most likely in need of help anyway. I would guess that the vast majority of gamers, desensitized to violence or not, have not been driven to kill or steal solely due to violent video games. I'd also guess that a lot of criminals, after being caught, try to make it seem like "the video games made them do it" in order to get off with a lighter sentence or something.
i don't think vg's are violent. they give me peace of mind they help me relax when i'm stressed and i find solice while playing them.
I do not think videogames have much or if that anything to do with societies violence nowadays, like above, its the media, things aired on T.V. and movies, and i really like watching t.v. and movies but look at the movies and t.v. shows nowadays, such as Rambo 4( really want to see it) and others like it, like the saw series, and t.v. shows that are about violence all of this contributes in its own little way just like videogames MIGHT, but you are right the United States Government blame this on videogames because they are running out of funding for their projects and videogames is the #1 selling product in the world, and its only geting bigger.
zero7980 said:
Isn't all this "I play abc and I've never xyz" kinda misplaced? The idea isn't that all video gamers kill because they play violent video games, but the impact that violent video games have on those who have killed. I would be interested in knowing how many murderers, specifically kids killing kids, did NOT have any experience with violent video games, or other violent media.

I agree with a previous poster - violent media does desensitize us. Not only video games, but other forms of media as well; television, movies, even music. IMHO, this impact is subtle. Google 'statistics on video game violence' and read a few of the articles. Nearly all of them cite a belief that this type of game has a direct link to real life violence.

And, for the record, I don't think jumping on a turtle shell is the same as blowing someone's brains out, blood, gore and all - and getting bonus points for doing it. ...

I know this will turn up the heat. This was posted in a forum where most play the violent games and, thus, want to agree that they do not affect them. I humbly disagree.

i actually had a pretty long response to this and thought i clicked submit last night before i logged off and left work, however apparently i didn't do that. stupid computer(yeah i'm blaming the computer.) if i have the time at work to think i'll edit my post and summarize what i had in the first place better but for now i'll put it in a nutshell: there were killers before videogames, gore movies and rap music, hell there were killers before there were books, so obviously it can't be blamed on media(at least not fully, i do think that an unstable person can do the wrong thing because of something seen/heard however that person was unstable to begin with so i still don't blame the media.) there's also the "chicken or the egg" arguement, are people violent because of these violent games/songs/movies/etc or are we violent in the first place and that's why we like the songs/games/movies/etc?
that was a very small nutshell, sorry.

but this statement:
zero7980 said:
I've played video games for a lot of years and love them. However, rated E is all I feel comfortable with nowadays for our family.

i completely agree with. I personally don't think that video games make someone a killer or rapist however that does not mean that when i have kids they will be able to play GTA, etc till they're the appropriate age. Not because i think that they'll kill people and rob hookers if they play it, it's just because that isn't appropriate for a 10 year old to be playing.
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I don't even get mad about it any more since video games did not cause the Iraqi war or the other killings going on around the world. This blame game is just away for the media to smoke screen what is really going on. Things are really tense right now and we are being treated like 5 year olds watch blues clues while the house is on fire. The funny thing is the presents of violence is the reason why we try so hard to be civil because no one wants to die unless you like being a marter(sp?). No one likes killing either but most people play games out of a need to know you can survive some thing really bad or challenging. If people really did just like killing thing then thats what they would do hunt all day long. Yet we all know thats really hard work also...LOL
And yes you would be poor.

Let them keep yelling what they yell. Yet when it is time to vote then vote. Every one knows these kids that are killing people are simply growing up in bade inviroments are either they are not show how to care. Apathy is popular blue clues and all of these children tv shows are not addressing this. Parents are becoming more like teachers rather than parents. We all know our kids would kill their dog by not finding it out hit animals if they where mad because with out guidance or either situations that illustrate why they shouldn't do things like that they would continue to do these things as an adult.

So basically if you don't raise your kid right then yes they will love the killing and glorify it and actually see it as real and not fake. So if you raised your kid right they could see and play violent things and be perfectly ok. Since you can't keep thing going to G rated movie forever when the world goes beyond X rated to WAR physically to politically. Hell the news is Apathy being advertised as countless people are reported to be dead and shot yet no one ever cries.
Don't misunderstand me - I don't believe that video games and media are the sole cause of violence in the United States, or the world for that matter. I do, however, at least wonder how they contribute to rising crime statistics. Take this, for instance:

The United States Crime Index Rates Per 100,000 Inhabitants went from 1,887.2 in 1960 to 5,897.8 in 1991. By 1991 the crime rate was 313% the 1960 crime rate. In 1996 your risk of being a victim of a crime in the United States was 5.079%, and of a violent crime 0.634%.
In 1960 these rates were 1.89% of being a victim of a crime and 0.161% of becoming victim of a violent crime.
Our Index of Crime Statistics cover the period from 1960 to 2000. They cover the total reported crime, and compare population to the total crime reported by Index. Categories include Property, Murder, Forcible Rape, Robbery, Aggravated assault, Burglary, Larceny-theft, and Vehicle theft.

Or, check out this link - http://kotaku.com/345969/russian-man-killed-over-lineage-ii-clan-grudge

Again, I am not stating that violent video games and media are the sole cause. However, can we really deny that, at least for some, it does contribute to violence?

I would also concur that the way parenting is nowadays is insufficient and is, perhaps, the greatest contributor. I do, however, find it ironic that some who have posted and play violent video games are, in a way, stating that their parents shouldn't let them. :)

I'll close with this: I was very surprised out how well spoken many of you are! I figured to be roasted for disagreeing with the majority here, but you have refrained from disagreeing in that manner and have done so in a very civilized manner. Kudos to all of ya!
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zero7980 said:
Don't misunderstand me - I don't believe that video games and media are the sole cause of violence in the United States, or the world for that matter. I do, however, at least wonder how they contribute to rising crime statistics. Take this, for instance:

The United States Crime Index Rates Per 100,000 Inhabitants went from 1,887.2 in 1960 to 5,897.8 in 1991. By 1991 the crime rate was 313% the 1960 crime rate. In 1996 your risk of being a victim of a crime in the United States was 5.079%, and of a violent crime 0.634%.
In 1960 these rates were 1.89% of being a victim of a crime and 0.161% of becoming victim of a violent crime.
Our Index of Crime Statistics cover the period from 1960 to 2000. They cover the total reported crime, and compare population to the total crime reported by Index. Categories include Property, Murder, Forcible Rape, Robbery, Aggravated assault, Burglary, Larceny-theft, and Vehicle theft.

Or, check out this link - http://kotaku.com/345969/russian-man-killed-over-lineage-ii-clan-grudge

Again, I am not stating that violent video games and media are the sole cause. However, can we really deny that, at least for some, it does contribute to violence?

I would also concur that the way parenting is nowadays is insufficient and is, perhaps, the greatest contributor. I do, however, find it ironic that some who have posted and play violent video games are, in a way, stating that their parents shouldn't let them. :)

I'll close with this: I was very surprised out how well spoken many of you are! I figured to be roasted for disagreeing with the majority here, but you have refrained from disagreeing in that manner and have done so in a very civilized manner. Kudos to all of ya!

a debate is fun, an argument isn't. Kudos to you too

I play a balanced mix of violent and nonviolent games. Yeah I was playing grand theft auto when I was 16 or so. And I’m not saying that games/movies/etc, don't effect people; I’m just saying that the people it effects to that extreme generally have a problem in the first place. And yeah the crime rate has risen seemingly with the media, however so has the divorce rate, so you could also make the contention that this can be blamed on the increase of broken homes, which I would imagine impacts people a lot more than the media (I’m from divorced parents, and extremely well adjusted but that isn't the case for everyone).

I’m just saying when it comes to why someone does something there's no way to get the absolute reason why (at least not yet). Only educated speculation, which is always open to new/different interpretation.
