China: Violence, drug addiction, teen pregnancy -- blame it on video games


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2007
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It looks like Video games are blamed heck according to China video games are the Anti-Christ, the lord of the underworld, the spawn of Satan.


China has just put the blame on video games for... well... everything. Drug addiction, teen pregnancy, murder, name it, it's the fault of video games. Apparently, it's the spawn of the devil. In a TV program entitled, "Confessions of a Murderer -- Focus on Pornogrphy and Violence in Online Games (Part Two)," the report pointed out that up to 80 percent of the violent criminals in prison are there in the first place because of online games.

This media crackdown on video games is not unprecedented in China. Earlier in June, the government was in a lockdown with the operators of the world-famous World of Warcraft game.

So where does teen pregnancy and drug addiction come into play? According to the report, an online game called "Audition" encourages girls to have sex with people she met online, causing unwanted pregnancies, and thereby leading to abortions. As for the drugs, the report pointed to teenagers who became dependent on cough medicines, and eventually, metamphetamines, to keep them up all night in so they can keep up with the rigours of gaming.

heres the link

Can someone tell me what game is in the picture?

I noticed that I put in the wrong link, heres the right one...
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I've read another article in a Belgian magazine about how China thinks of it as some kind of a decease, they actually have 'camps' where they can 'cure' you, half the time it's with electroshock therapy and they will shock you untill you admit you have a problem and then more shocking I think, they even had to close a camp because on of the kids there didn't admit he was addicted and the camp leader hit him untill he died. China is just one ****ed up country and yea, looks like an awesome game, anyone know the name?
one of the kids there didn't admit he was addicted and the camp leader hit him untill he died. China is just one ****ed up country and yea, looks like an awesome game, anyone know the name?

You're one sick mu*******.

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