Violent Games Make Kids Ruthless


Animal Collective
Dec 30, 2007
Wherever Fate Takes Me
Wii Online Code

An entire swarm of Kotakuites has bombarded the tips email with a story from KETV 7 in Omaha Nebraska entitled, "Video Games Normalize Killing, Doctors Say." A completely atrocious headline, though good enough to get the story linked from the main page of CNN. Less hard-hitting news and more of a research roundup, the article presents information from studies done by Iowa State University, Kansas State University, the Indiana School of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health showing that violent games normalize our children to violence...putting them more in tune with violent behavior and therefor much more likely to engage in it.

"Exposure to violent video games, even E rated video games, increases aggressive thoughts, increases pro-social behavior and increases general arousal," said Dr. Greg Snyder, a psychologist at Omaha's Children's Hospital.

Phew. And here I was feeling dirty for getting all excited while playing Dora the Explorer.

Probably not what he meant mind you. Snyder went on to theorize that exposure to violent video games desensitize our children to the real thing.

"The more normal it is, the more likely it is they're going to activate or engage in those behaviors when provoked or even unprovoked," Snyder said.

Interestingly enough, the piece then shifts gears to show the other side of the story, something you rarely see in articles of this type. They even have a nifty quote from Ryan Miller, the manager of general operations for Gamers in Omaha.

"Just like any new media, it gets attacked. When any new genre of music comes out, it gets attacked. TV will, of course, get attacked. I'm sure, way back when, books got attacked," Miller said.

I'm sure too Ryan, as book burnings can be traced as far back as Emperor Qin Shi Huang of China in 213 BC. He makes a solid point though, and one I've made so many times I am beginning to get sick of making it. Video games are being used as a scapegoat, and it is getting old. Could someone please invent some sort of new entertainment for parents to blame so I can go back to posting funny cake pictures?


Yet again the media trying to diss on video games.
(funny picture) omg thats not true
kids these days grow up with video games
now a days they dont know how not having games feals
they know its just a game and nothings new to them
......if they actually took the time to see that games arent what they think they might not diss video games so much:
"Exposure to violent video games, even E rated video games, increases aggressive thoughts, increases pro-social behavior and increases general arousal," said Dr. Greg Snyder, a psychologist at Omaha's Children's Hospital."
what watching a cat in dora hang from a tree..?:wtf:
this is just like the insident with mass effect on fox
.....:ciappa: :scared: :wtf:
it's going to take another generation or so before these so called "expert arguments" die down a bit, when the actual video game generation gets in charge of things and can make an accurate judgement of things.

there's still so many of those people out there saying "oh well when I was a kid I played out doors all day and didnt waste time in the house with videogames!!!" the close minded fool who will always judge before knowing all the facts. just like that one news lady or whomever she was that put out all that bad press about Mass Effect and then admitted she didn't know what she was talking about but rather acting on rumor and speculation and whatnot.

I myself LOVE violence, i love to watch decapitations and guttings and blood splatters and every other form of gore. When I watch a horror movie I NEED to see guts and blood all over the place or I'm not satisified, and the more tastless it's done the better.'s the thing, even though I've been exposed to these things since I was in kindergarten, actively seek them out as entertainment and prefer them over most other things and am COMPLETELY desensitized to even the most heinous of violent acts...I STILL have never hurt a fly, and have no desire to do any bodily harm to anyone in any fashion, ever.

They're just SOOOO reluctant to accept that the parents have failed, that society has failed, extended family has failed. They don't want to take responsibility for the lack of guidance, or that the child may have been mentally unstable and pre-inclined to violence. They just need a scapegoat so they can sleep nice and cozy in their ignorant little worlds.

Violence and murder of all kinds has existed millenia before video games, where people have acted with malice and total disregard towards one another and they didn't have to be desensitized by media first in order to do it.

Stupid, stupid people.
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Barbz911, Fox News is a known joke of a news report. Hell, even Jack Thompson defended Mass Effect which made it seem like hell froze over.

Video games don't make people violent, people already have a subconscious thing if they believe that.
i played tonnes of violent video games as a young boy and i turned out normal

*hold up bloody knife and smiles*

Who the hell am I meant to kill with blades of Athena?!

Where the hell would I get blades of Athena?!
darksamus said:
Barbz911, Fox News is a known joke of a news report. Hell, even Jack Thompson defended Mass Effect which made it seem like hell froze over.

Video games don't make people violent, people already have a subconscious thing if they believe that.

your absolutley right
they didnt even listen to the expert once
that dumb bioch thought you just choose do you wanna have sex: yes or no

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