Halloween is Awesome!
I haven't played pokemon in a while so can't really remember natures and movesets.
I only kept Lucario because it hatched shiny . I only battle my friends so I just use my favorites. I know this team probably isn't that great for competitive battling.
Well, on a non-competetive note, in friend to friend competition, this team is... meager i think at best... Cant really give a full analysis bc of no movesets or natures, but here it goes. x3 ground weakness right off the bat with electivire nintales an lucario... umm... Starmie is fantastic, but having Starmie and alakazam on the same team is somewhat moot, as they both accomplish the same job... As for an overall analysis, I cant say much.... but a well trained Mence, prolly of any variation, would tear through this team... possibly having trouble with Starmie, but thats about it.
Yep expected that I've attempted to make a better team, but I always lose interest while trying to get the nature I want and then ev training it. I've actually started playing again after I found out about Black and white so after finals end this week I might try and make a new team.