What's your pokemon team?

Sandstorm team V2!

Tyranitar / Adament
-Stone Edge
-Aqua Tail

Swampert / Adament
-Brick Break
-Ice Pinch

Lucario / Adament
-Shadow Claw
-Extreme Speed

Metagross / Adament
-Meteor Mash
-Zen Headbutt

Flygon / Modest
-Draco Meteor
-Flamethrower or Fire Blast(not sure)
-Earth Power

Scizor / Adament
-X Scissor
-Night Slash
-Bullet Punch
-Swords Dance
Not bad at all! Keep up the good work!
Sandstorm team V2!

Tyranitar / Adament
-Stone Edge
-Aqua Tail

Lovin the TTar. Obviously this is your lead correct? Only thing I might change is have a different poke for a lead, speedy anti lead who can set up stealth rock, prefferably Aerodactyl. SR would benefit this team alot... Not to mention TTar could get pummled by more common leads... Maybe infernape close combat or even Scizor could destroy him with Superpower. Other than that, I love this TTar. Only thing I would change is Adamant to Jolly. That bit of speed could make or break the Metagame.

Swampert / Adament
-Brick Break
-Ice Pinch

Nice Pert. Straightforward... But your not using set up Cursepert with this? He has room to shine... And I understand, like me, you seem to not like using Stat up sweepers prefering to go straight for coverage... But working Curse and Leftovers in a sandstorm in place of BB could be more beneficial than this set. Also, whats Ice Pinch? lol. Doesnt hurt as much as the punch? lol.

Lucario / Adament
-Shadow Claw
-Extreme Speed

I hate lucario... Im not giving much an opinion on this simply because I hate the poke. The moveset looks nice, but again, I would use a Jolly nature with a LO to maximize speed and power. Unless your using CB, in which case I would still recommend Jolly.

Metagross / Adament
-Meteor Mash
-Zen Headbutt

Ah but where is Bullet Punch for revenge kill on that monsters attack stat? lol. You have agility to make up for it, so its all good. But Bronzong will wall his ass badly using Psychic and Steel as a combination of attacking moves. Maybe make use of his Elemental punches and you could even throuw an EQ in there if you wanted to.

Flygon / Modest
-Draco Meteor
-Flamethrower or Fire Blast(not sure)
-Earth Power

I love Flygon. Great poke. great dragon... Shines tremendously in OU thanks to sandstorm teams. if your looking for a fourth move... Signal beam could prove helpful. either that, or give him sandstorm in case something breaks the SS before that.

Scizor / Adament
-X Scissor
-Night Slash
-Bullet Punch
-Swords Dance

Scizor is a beast. This is great just the way it is... Maybe replace X scizzor with U turn if you want to scout.

Good team Shadow. A few tweaks here and there and youll be all set. :)
I was going to rate Shadow91*'s sandstorm team, but Storm already said everything I was going to say.
Swampert +Special Defense -Speed
-Stealth Rock
EVs: 252 HP, 68 Atk, 80 SpA, 152 Def

Altaria +Defense -Special Attack
-Dragon Dance
-Dragon Claw
EVs: 192 Atk, 192 Spd, 60 HP, 56 SpD, 8 Def

Espeon +Special Attack -Attack
-Calm Mind
-Hidden Power (Fire)
-Signal Beam
EVs: 244 Spe, 244 SpA, 16 SpD

Umbreon +Special Defense -Special Attack
-Baton Pass
EVs: 252 HP, 196 Atk, 60 SpD

Rhyperior +Special Defense -Special Attack
-Rock Slide
EVs: 252 HP, 124 Def, 132 SpD

Here's my slightly modified team for now. I'll look for something to fill the last slot.
Another team:

Gyarados - Adamant - Lum Berry
Dragon Dance
Ice Fang

Dragonite - Jolly? - Liechie Berry* (I could be wrong)
Dragon Dance
Fire Punch
Dragon Claw

Gallade - Jolly - Salac Berry
Swords Dance
Close Combat
Psycho Cut
Ice Punch

Bronzong - Sassy - Leftovers
Stealth Rock
Gyro Ball

Typhlosion - Modest - Life Orb
Focus Punch

Currently working on a 2nd team. RATE!
another team:

Gyarados - adamant - lum berry
dragon dance
ice fang
standard ou gyarados. I see no problems.
dragonite - jolly? - liechie berry* (i could be wrong)
dragon dance
fire punch
dragon claw
this is what i call "perfect coverage" becuase i believe it hits everything in the game for at least neutral coverage.
gallade - jolly - salac berry
swords dance
close combat
psycho cut
ice punch
no gallade is complete without night slash!
bronzong - sassy - leftovers
stealth rock
gyro ball
again, i'll leave this one because i know nothing about bronzong.
typhlosion - modest - life orb
focus punch
the main reason people use typhlosion over other fire types is because of eruption, so if you could slot that in somewhere that'd be great.
currently working on a 2nd team. Rate!
CommanderGwonam went to a McDonalds drive in resteraunt and ordered roasted Phineas and Ferb but the waiter Suicide Mouse shot him with a Missle Pod and thats how his FaceBook account was closed.
Arcanine - Relaxed - Life Orb
Flare Blitz
Dragon Pulse

Swampert - Adamant - Leftovers
This is my team for fun: in other words.. Jsut my favorites.

Aerodactyl @ Jolly @ Pressure
- Stealth Rock
- Iron Head
- Rock Slide
- Crunch

Raichu @ Timid @ Static
Life Orb
- Nasty Plot
- Thunderbolt
- Grass Knot
- Encore

Arcanine @ Relaxed @ Flash Fire
- Overheat
- Thunder Fang
- Iron Tail
- Extremespeed

Scizor @ Jolly @ Technician
Choice Band
- Bullet Punch
- U-Turn
- Pursuit
- Superpower

Nidoking @ Relaxed @ Poison point
Life Orb
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Megahorn

Flygon @ Jolly @ Levitate
Life Orb
- Draco Meteor
- Earthquake
- Fire Blast
- U-Turn

Got a second team here too, even got a name: "Attack of the Norm" lol

Ambipom @ Jolly @ Life Orb
Evs: 252 Atk/ 252 Sp/ 4 Hp
- Fake Out
- Taunt
- Pursuit
- U-Turn

Clefable @ Calm @ Flame Orb
Magic Guard
EVs: 252 Sp/ 252 SpD/4 Hp
- Trick
- Seismic Toss
- Reflect
- Softboiled

Ninjask @ Jolly @ Focus Sash
Speed Boost
EVs: 252 Hp/ 126 Spd/ 126 Def
- Swords Dance
- Protect
- Baton Pass

Porygon Z @ Timid @ Salac Berry
EVs: 252 SpAtk/ 252 Spd/ 4 Hp
- Nasty Plot
- Tri Attack
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt

Kangaskhan @ Jolly @ Leftovers
EVs: 252 Atk/ 252/ Spd/ 4 Hp
- Fake Out
- Sucker Punch
- Focus Punch
- Substitute

Snorlax @ Adamant @ Leftovers
Thick Fat
EVs: 252 Atk/ 252 Spd/ 4 Hp
- Fire Punch
- Crunch
- Earthquake
- Selfdestruct
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With Ninjask, you might want to give it X-Scissor in case it's your last Pokemon.
OH MY ****ING GOD! Where the hell did all these teams come from?!?! DX I regret missing a week of wiichat now. @_@

I'm not quoting all of that, and spending an hour to write a good rating, lol... If you want a team rated by me, post them one at a time, once I rate your's, you can post the next if you want. If you don't, then... no work for me. =P Still, it's great to see this thread thriving and active. =)
lol. Sorry Ck. Im makin changes to the Norm, an then ill repost it for you to rate. Its gonna be fun... Ima run a quick Feet rampaging Ursaring with it. lol.
Swampert +Special Defense -Speed
-Stealth Rock
-Ice Punch
EVs: 252 HP, 68 Atk, 80 SpD, 152 Def

Tyranitar +Speed -Special Attack
-Dragon Dance
-Rock Slide
-Aqua Tail
EVs: 252 Spe, 40 HP, 212 Atk

Espeon +Special Attack -Attack
-Calm Mind
-Hidden Power (Fire)
-Signal Beam
EVs: 244 Spe, 244 SpA, 16 SpD

Umbreon +Special Defense -Special Attack
-Baton Pass
EVs: 252 HP, 196 Atk, 60 SpD

Rhyperior +Special Defense -Special Attack
-Rock Slide
EVs: 252 HP, 124 Def, 132 SpD
Later I decided to replace Tyranitar with this:
Altaria +Defense -Special Attack
-Dragon Dance
-Dragon Claw

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