What's your pokemon team?

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  • #556
Meteor Mash is necesarry, his powerful STAB is what makes the set so useful. There's literally no other option that can cover 'Mash.

Well, technically Explosion doesn't get priority, it's just Metagross' speed is higher than some pokes. He won't be outspeeding scarfed pokemon though - except maybe something like scarfed Heracross.

EDIT: Post number 555 of the thread, lol.
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Hmmm...Ill work on that. Thanks man. you can help out Shadow now, ill repost my edited team along with any questions tomorrow after I get home from work.
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  • #558
Alright then Storm, glad I could help. :thumbsup:

I'm making a team for Double Battles only.
this is what i got so far.

-Ice Beam/Fang

↑teams with↓

-Giga Drain
-Wood Hammer

-Drill Peck

↑teams with↓

-Dark Pulse

-Heat Wave/Fire Fang
-Arieal Ace/Air Slash?
-Dragon Claw/Pulse?

↑teams with↓

-Hydro Pump
-Dragon Pulse

help with movesets please

If you're using a special 'Mence, don't use Blizzard, it's a terrible doubles move with it's power split to 75%, and it's accuracy equaling it's attack's BP percentage - 75%. Instead, use Dragon Pulse/Flamethrower/Hydro Pump/Support move. The last slot can be used for the obvious Protect, which is always helpful in doubles. Roost is useful if Salamence can get away with a free turn as well, recharging it's HP. I also recommend giving it a Life Orb, choice items are risky in doubles - high risk, high return.

Charizard can't be mixed, he doesn't have the raw stats. He should generally be special as well. As a life orb/specs set, I would personally recommend...

Air Slash
Focus Blast
Dragon Pulse

The main problem is that Salamence covers most of this... Flying moves aren't that good, and Focus Blast has terrible accuracy. I'd highly recommend a more powerful physical sweeper over Charizard. If you're bent on Charizard, you can definatly use that set though, with a life orb. Also, if you're going to use Empoleon with Surf, you should probably throw Protect over Focus Blast.

If you're going to use Spiritomb as an attacking pokemon, think again. He's not very useful in doubles, so you probably shouldn't use him. I really don't see a good point in giving an offensive Spiritomb set, he doesn't make the cut IMO.

Empoleon doesn't work too well with the rest of your team unless they have protect on their movesets. Atleast Torterra and Salamence can take a surf, though. Anyways, mixed Empoleon is a very bad idea, he doesn't have speed to spare, or attack values either. Since he's so slow and weak to the common fighting and EQ, I don't see him working to well in doubles... if you want a moveset though, you could use this. ... Oh, and Empoleon doesn't learn Roost.

Hydro Pump
Ice Beam

Torterra... another slow poke. He can never use special attacks, mixed attacking is literally impossible for him, and his sp. atk isn't all that good. Anyways, it's a good idea to make him relatively bulky, since he's slow anyways. A good moveset would be...

Wood Hammer
Stone Edge

And finally, Tyranitar... With most of your pokes having protect, and his massive attack, he can effectively use Earthquake - just like Torterra. Flyers/levitaters/protect and EQ... such a classic battle strategy. Tyranitar doesn't have much staying ability with a 4x weakness though, so you should probably give him one of the following movesets, the first with a choice band, the latter with a life orb.

Aqua Tail
Stone Edge

and for a life orb...

Aqua Tail
Stone Edge

In terms of typing, you've got a good variety, a good amount of resists. You do have some big weaknesses, though. Mainly, you have two ice weaknesses, and both are 4x. You also only have one resist, so doubles Hail teams rip you to shreds - especially with your general slow speed. You should really take off Torterra for a better ground type, to get rid of one 4x ice weakness and turn it into 2x, atleast. And ofcourse, add in a few more pokes with ice resists.

You also have an issue with electric moves, two weaknesses to it, and only one resists. While that's not too menacing in doubles, it's a bad thing in general. All other weaknesses are relatively handled.

Your team has very average offenses, bar Tyranitar. You can hit hard, but not THAT hard. Defensive teams could actually beat you since you lack raw power. Also, while most of your pokes are bulky, 4 of the pokes on your team have a 4x weakness, that's really asking for trouble. A lot of teams could outspeed and OHKO more than half your team. And then your left with Empoleon and, lol... Spiritomb. In other words, you lose.

You also lack a huge amount of speed. Your fastest pokes are Charizard and Salamence, which tie at 328. With very common 4x weaknesses, they die outright fast, and then your team loses all speed. In the fast paced style of doubles, this team stands very little chance IMO. You'd have to face a worse player and equal or worse team in order to win, in general. Overall, this team has some huge issues it needs to change before it can start playing for real.
i'll do the Scarf T-tar, and the Mence you named out with Protect and life orb. i may keep Torterra for a bulky defense when needed.

would a Skamory, Gallade, and Arcanine be good replacements for Char, Tomb, and the penguin?
Just touching up on what CK said, you have a glaring weakness in synergy. I can almost guarantee you that if you open with any of the pairs of Pokemon you listed, you will be at a huge disadvantage off the start.

There are various double intimidating leads (Mainly Gyarados/Salamence) leads that will shut you down relatively fast. Your Pokemon overall just seem to be more 'solo' than 'double' if you get what I mean. As a pair, they don't necessarily pose an exponential threat. If you opened with any of the listed pairs, the obvious threat is singled out and your left with dead weight and a foiled plan. An example would be your Tyranitar/Torterra. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out which one to hit. You can go straight after Tyranitar, and most of Torterra's attacks won't be significant enough to put pressure on the opponent, especially with no buffers and such.

Closing up, revise revise revise your team. Your opening will really either make the game or break the game for you. If you have an ineffective opening duo, your just asking to lose. Almost every decent doubles player make sure they have the solid opening that will kick off the match as much into their favor, whether it's for Trick Rooming, using Follow Me, etc. You need to work on it whether it's heavy offense, use of mind games, and so on.
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  • #561
Just touching up on what CK said, you have a glaring weakness in synergy. I can almost guarantee you that if you open with any of the pairs of Pokemon you listed, you will be at a huge disadvantage off the start.

There are various double intimidating leads (Mainly Gyarados/Salamence) leads that will shut you down relatively fast. Your Pokemon overall just seem to be more 'solo' than 'double' if you get what I mean. As a pair, they don't necessarily pose an exponential threat. If you opened with any of the listed pairs, the obvious threat is singled out and your left with dead weight and a foiled plan. An example would be your Tyranitar/Torterra. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out which one to hit. You can go straight after Tyranitar, and most of Torterra's attacks won't be significant enough to put pressure on the opponent, especially with no buffers and such.

Closing up, revise revise revise your team. Your opening will really either make the game or break the game for you. If you have an ineffective opening duo, your just asking to lose. Almost every decent doubles player make sure they have the solid opening that will kick off the match as much into their favor, whether it's for Trick Rooming, using Follow Me, etc. You need to work on it whether it's heavy offense, use of mind games, and so on.

Word. Everything here said is 100% correct. You know your doubles well. You play doubles, Wuddle?

Also, putting Skarmory is like putting a "kick me in the balls" sign on your back, so to speak (hahah, classic). Walls are not meant for doubles unless it's an enitre stall team, which in itself is extremely risky. Tanks are good to have though, walls aren't.
Yeah, I play doubles when I can sometimes. Hard finding a doubles battle though. Most likely will revamp my doubles team in the near future as it's mainly a funny (But effective) opening and a bunch of dirty tricks afterwords. I've read quite a few different leads, and there's quite a bit interesting combination's I've never thought of.
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  • #563
Well, when it comes to doubles, the possibilities are endless and unexpected. There must be an unthinkable number of doubles leads and team types I don't know about, I rarely get a (good) doubles match as well. If you know of any place (besides Smogon) where I could read some in depth stuff about doubles, I'd be thrilled if you could supply a link.
I would be thrilled if I could supply myself a link. But I have no such source to even supply a bit of nutrition to your thirst.

Enough of that, it's all about looking at other people's sets and manipulating it around. I have a few ideas that I want to consider tinkering with, and a few I want to emulate as well. At least that's what I do - Which is why doubles is more interesting to me (Not as playable, but interesting). There's no clear-cut guide on what to use, so really once you fish something good off of Smogon, dissect it apart and change it into something that works. That's how I've got my current lead for doubles - which has it's flaws - gives me awesome results regardless.
Back when we used to play doubles I went for a double intimdate/double EQ Lead, which I found let me live the Explosion Leads ALOT....

If I only had a dollar for every time I ever saw A gengar/exploder lead, I'd be able to have paid for dinner...

As an interesting example in doubles, one of the Japanese 4 man teams that went to last years showdown

Uxie @
Sunny Day/Trick Room/U-turn/Solar Beam

Smeagle (Lv.1) @ Focus Sash
Fake Out/ (Strype: Not sure but most likely, Spore, Endeavor, and Some other Move)

Marowak @ Thick Club
Rock Slide/Protect/ (Most Likely Fire Punch, and Earthquake)

Sunflora @ Life Orb
Leaf Storm/Solar Beam/Protect/

As said, doubles is a fairly complex game, with subtle interaction and can include many different miniature synergies

Jolly male weavile @ Expert Belt
IV: 28/31/27/27/29/31 (actually bred and EV trained him the day before)
EV: 252 attack/speed, 6 HP
- Fake Out
- Ice Shard
- Brick Break
- Night Slash

Relaxed Bronzong @ Chesto Berry
IV=31/31/31/12/31/0 (stefywefy215's)
- Trick Room
- Gyro Ball
- Earthquake
- Explosion

Modest Male Togekiss @ King's Rock
IV=29/1/25/31/26/31 (Marker's)
252 sp.atk/speed, 6 HP
- Nasty Plot
- Aura Sphere
- Air Slash
- Thunder Wave

Hasty Male Gengar @ Focus Sash
IV=31/31/22/31/31/31 (venom_prince91's)
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Counter
- Explosion

A US team from the 4 man, pokemon showdown
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I missed a page of analyzing but...
@Storm: Refering to your posts earlier today when you we're needing a special wall with water/ice resistance, Vaporeon's your best bet seing as water actually heals her and you could use toxic and wish support to help the life orb damage.
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  • #567
Trick room is a damn popular Doubles strategy... a strategy I know all too well. :lol: Those are some excellent, yet ironically odd ball teams you've listed, Strype.

Trick room doubles > Trick room singles.
Ok, I have selected the pokes for my revised team, and here the list. Still deciding on the sets, but here they are for now.

-Dragonite @ Choice Band?
Inner Focus
Possibly Sweeper?
~Draco Meteor
~Dragon Claw
~Aqua Tail

-Gliscor @ Focus Sash
Physical Wall/Pump Support
~Swords Dance
~Baton Pass

-Umbreon @ Flame Orb/Toxic Orb
Special Wall/Status Inflicter
~Sunny Day

-Metagross (Agiligross) @ Life Orb
Physical Sweep
~Meteor Mash

-Gengar @ Choice Band?
Specail Sweep
~Dark Pulse
~Energy Ball
~Focus Blast
~Destiny Bond

-Machamp @ Life Orb
No Guard
Physical Something
~Ice Punch
~Bulk Up/Thunderpunch?

Only reason for Sunny Day on Umbreon, I didnt know what else to put. Also, it neither harms or helps my team, but might cause a problem for Bulky Water types and such?
Or accidentally help an oposing Infernape.

There are many options for Umbreon, but SunnyDay is a bad idea as well as flame synching when you could use a Weezing with will-o-wisp (or anything w/it)
Umbreon NEEDS Lefties.
Also I still think you need a Vaporeon over Umbreon.

Calm @ Leftovers
This fits what you need.

Machamp could use leftovers if you're using bulk up but I'm not sold on it. Tpunch is your better bet.
Choice SPECS (S.ATK) for Gengar and if you're using specs, Timid nature, but scarf, then keep Modest. Also, Destiny Bond is really for sashed variants.
This is good for choiced Gengar.
Dragonite should not use Aqua Tail when you have better options (also using Vaporeon will fill the water gap).
If you want something mixed, use a mence, otherwise he's best sticking to supportive/defensive rolls, but if you want an attacker:
Don't use bulk up on Machamp if you use this set.
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Smogon - Dragonite Discussion said:
Set: Choice Band
Dragonite (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Outrage
- Aqua Tail
- Earthquake / Superpower / Focus Punch
- Fire Punch

This set is listed because it can give stall teams an absolute nightmare.
This set 2HKOs everything in OU. Period.

Aqua Tail can be used. But basing my opinion to go along with reasons posted, I would personally lean towards using the set listed rather than going out and using a mixed variant with a band on top.

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