What's up with Pokemon?

I forgot about this thread...

Pokemon anime sucks, period. Not sure about the original japanese dub, but I now realize that it's terrible both now and in the past. Screw the anime, the games ftw.

Pokemon is plural for itself, btw. You don't need to add an S. :p
But CK, there are so many pokemans.
I'm not sure where you're getting those numbers, Shadow. We've never gotten below 100 new pokemon for each generation so just 50 wouldn't hapen. Also, so far, the highest we've gotten in a single generation is 135, from Gen 2 transitioning to Gen 3. So I suppose 150 is possible, but it seems like an unweildy number.

... Aaaanyways, ya, 493 known species right now.
Idk how much different ideas for Pkmn can get. They seemed to start repeating themselves a bit in this generation.

What I would like to see is an evolved form of Aerodactyl :p Massive ownage with boosted attack and speed, or maybe they could give it more than abysmal defences...

Do you realize Aerodactyl is the only "Fossil" Pkmn without an evolution line? Strange, to me at least. Another I would like to see is a third line of evolution for Weezing, Muk, and maybe a Skarmory evolution would be cool.
No. No Skarmory evolution. He's already a scary enough physical wall, if he evolved, it'd be the end of non-centralized competitive battling. Considering how bulky he already is, an evolution would be just unfair, lol.

Weezing could use an evolution, but nothing too substantial. He's already a good physical wall, and if his defense stat increased even more, he'd probably be better than Skarmory; not a good sign.

... Muk could definatly use an evolution though, he's crappy, lol. I'm not too sure about Aerodactyl though, his speed and attack are already a great combination. If any stat is higher he'll really jump up the rankings, he could be the next Garchomp of generation 5.

I will say that Pokemon is running out of ideas though, definatly. Some of their pokemon are a bit stale, but I think they can keep going for another generation or two.
I agree. If they cannot come up with new ideas, as they seemed to during the end of Gen 4, then they should add more evolutions, much like with Mamoswine and Togekiss and all that.

Not saying much for an Aerodactyl evolution, but he could be the next Chomp. However, if the evolution did not touch his attack or speed and instead simply raised his defenses, he would be very very scary. Hes scary already as a whizzing demon, if he evolved into a whizzing demon with defenses, hed be scarier.

Kinda like Rhydon evolving into Rhyperior, yea? He gains boosts to his defenses, but his attack barely changes. I still favor Rhydon over Rhyperior just because Rhydon is cooler. :D I wonder what an Aerodactyl would look like...
The Pokemon team isnt really running out of ideas, its just there getting stupider.

The 4th gen started to drift away from actual looks and charecteristics of ACTUAL animals/plants, and started making pkmn they thought about for 5mins.

If they went back to charecteristics of animals/plants, and actualy animated them to resemble like 1st gen, the pkmn would live much farther than 1 or 2 more gens.

1&2 gen was the best example of this consept.
3rd gen started to drift away a little bit.
Then 4th gen just sucked serious ****. Wtf is with licky licky & tanglegrowth?
Lacks creativity- just seems like there making it up know.
Lickilicky and Tangrowth, Lastwords. Get your facts straight. :p

I wouldn't say the 4th Gen sucks, it's more or less that this Gen lacks the charm the first two Gens had.

Also, DPP was basically the generation for competitive battlers. They were looking more for increasing the metagame, rather than have every single pokemon look epic. I do agree on the lacking creativity though, most of the 4th Gen pokemon aren't all that... great.
Well Damn.
Its just gone downhill, but comp. is getting better. But 4th gen still seems a bit hollow, but with plat. release, it has a bit more bulk.
Wow, can't believe I just noticed this thread.

To the Alakazam-ruling-the-world-question: 1000 IQ? :lol: does the score even go that high? something about that sounds ridiculous. Plus, if Alakazam is so smart, that's why he prefers not to rule the world, if you get what I mean.

Now, I agree the past generation was mostly retarded, especially all those tree pokemon like combee and cherrim. Why do they exist?!??
And if you want to expand it, I think they should just fill out evolutions and end it. Personally, I'd love to see some pokemon get evolutions to become useful, like: Absol, Carnivine, Smeargle, Mawile, Torkoal, Zangoose, Seviper, Tropius, Kangaskhan, and Pinsir. Evolutions of these pokemon could be potentially interesting, or at the least they should get fixed because some look really cool, like absol.
I thought of mentioning Shuckle too, but an evolution of that pokemon would simply be indestructible.

There's also the useless pokemon without evolutions that should just disappear: luvdisc, pachirisu, spinda and dunsparce.
Yes and no...
More evolutions of old pokes would be nice, but Most of the new evolvs, suked.

And as Ck said earlier, the point of the new pkmn is to add basicaly to compitision.
Plat. is the new tourny game and with out thouse new pokes [although most are really fugly]
the comps. would be a basic repeat of the past.
Well, the reason why I mentioned the pokemon I did is because they would contribute to competitive gaming by different things from what we have now. Absol is a potential sweeper with moves like psycho cut, me first, and night slash. A smeargle with drastically improved stats would be the ultimate customizable pokemon. Tropius has a unique type combination along with jumpluff, but unlike jumpluff it has much more stamina and strength, etc.

My point is not to just add evolutions for the hell of it, but to actually make them potentially good so that competitive fights are not limited to the same pokemon over and over again.
Lolz. Purugly. I dont think they couldve come up with a more fitting name for such an ugly creature as "Pure-ugly." :lol: An evolved form of Kangaskhan, or just a male form with different abilities/moves would be crazy cool.
Yeah, the evolutions are good, and the new pokes are essential to the game.

Mayby gen 5 will be better... with thouse new evolvs too.

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