What's up with Pokemon?

@ CK: Calm down, that movie was bad only because they sucked at making it. The first 20 minutes were good, once they put Piccolo in though, it took an epic-ass fall.
I know, double post, but this is whats up with Pokemon!

It wouldn't be funny half the time to pokemon players Nick, since it needs the "wtf is going on lol" factor, IMO. I can see people who don't play it find that sketch funny, but... eh. I've seen better. It did have some funny moments, though. :lol:
Yeah. Its annoying when those Pokemon-haters come out and criticize us. They all think the games and the show are the same thing, and only know the names of 9 or 10 Pokemon.
The games are fun to play, the show is ok(even though certain aspects of it are confusing). But what I think is funny is that the show is for retarded kids, SERIOUSLY! I mean almost every Pokemon says their own name over and over again like they have tourette syndrome.:tard: <----- :eek:ut:
Ok one, not only kids watch this show. Plenty of middle aged adults do to as well as teenagers (such as myself). I am intelligent and i watch the show. I know that it does not make sense but the world is sort of based off destiny alone. It is kind of like The Force from star wars. Everyone knows their place, and everyone knows their destiny. Sometimes it is not clear to them. It is a wonderful show and is fun to watch. The video games and trading card games are fun too. But it is so hilarious when people like you, who think they are genius because they point out things that are not obvious to a three year old maybe, But are to most. So the next time you diss a popular anime, be prepared to back it up and not point out obvious facts.
Ok one, not only kids watch this show. Plenty of middle aged adults do to as well as teenagers (such as myself). I am intelligent and i watch the show. I know that it does not make sense but the world is sort of based off destiny alone. It is kind of like The Force from star wars. Everyone knows their place, and everyone knows their destiny. Sometimes it is not clear to them. It is a wonderful show and is fun to watch. The video games and trading card games are fun too. But it is so hilarious when people like you, who think they are genius because they point out things that are not obvious to a three year old maybe, But are to most. So the next time you diss a popular anime, be prepared to back it up and not point out obvious facts.

... ... ... Through name alone, you have my respect. :worship:

That last sentence is all that needed to be said, really. :lol: I'll never enjoy the anime again, but hey, to each their own. ... Atleast it's not as terrible as Bakugan. :sick:
Ok one, not only kids watch this show. Plenty of middle aged adults do to as well as teenagers (such as myself). I am intelligent and i watch the show. I know that it does not make sense but the world is sort of based off destiny alone. It is kind of like The Force from star wars. Everyone knows their place, and everyone knows their destiny. Sometimes it is not clear to them. It is a wonderful show and is fun to watch. The video games and trading card games are fun too. But it is so hilarious when people like you, who think they are genius because they point out things that are not obvious to a three year old maybe, But are to most. So the next time you diss a popular anime, be prepared to back it up and not point out obvious facts.

... ... ... Through name alone, you have my respect. :worship:

That last sentence is all that needed to be said, really. :lol: I'll never enjoy the anime again, but hey, to each their own. ... Atleast it's not as terrible as Bakugan. :sick:
Hehehehe agreed! Bakugan sucks.
This series doesn't make any sense at all. In the pokemon world, there exist creatures which are far more powerful than humans, some even smarter than humans, so why do the pokemon allow the humans to rule them,forcing them to fight each other, which is essentially treating them like roosters in cockfighting??

First of all, think of evolution. Alakazam may be a freaking genius but all Abra does is sleep and occasionally teleport. It takes a human to train it and evolve it into the amazing Alakazam...and by that point a strong bond has formed between Pokemon and trainer.

Secondly, think of technology. That's why humans are the dominant species now after all: we create tools to make us more powerful than the other species. In the world of Pokemon, the primary tool we use is the PokeBall. We use it to capture the Pokemon at which point they are at our mercy to some extent. But even if you're not like the Rockets and therefore don't rule over Pokemon with fear, healing technology in the Pokemon Centers keeps Pokemon healthy. They could not remain healthy without the Pokemon Centers, which were created by humans.

Besides, if you go by the anime, many pokemon enjoy fighting and those who don't participate in contests and whatnot. Worker Pokemon work alongside humans. So in actuality, according to the anime, Pokemon all have the choice to do what they want and they WANT to help humans in most cases. There are some rogue Pokemon that hate humans, but not the majority of them.

Also think about cases where the Pokemon knows how powerful they are and how weak their trainers are. Charizard didn't listen to Ash. Lucario didn't listen to that one gym leader. Etc etc. But over time they grow to respect their trainers.
I'm not saying that I don't like Pokemon, but I just think some of the things about it are funny.
The only thing I don't like about Pokemon for sure is the trading card game, I tried to collect the cards for the 1st and 2nd generation, but I just gave up after realizing that there isn't much point because I never even 'battle' with anyone, and the fact that I was wasting my money.
The anime was good throughout the first generation, but by the time the other generations came out, the episodes started to seem repetitive. You know, Ash and the gang are doing something, teamrocket (or team galactic)tries to steal Pikachu and ect., then about 90% of the time, Pikachu blasts them away at the end of the episode. Then occasionally there are continued episodes that go from 2-3 episodes but still always end up in the same conclusion. The only difference between the generations is that there are new Pokemon and new people.
The games still rule.
P.S. This is all my opinion and I'm not trying to start anything.
To lazy to read what you people post about pokemon.

Anyway, pokemon is awesome!:D I remember my first time watching it.......*sighhhhhhhhhh*

Flash Back!
Pikachu use thunder shock!........ Why are don't you like me Piachu? *sigh* Hey how come you like Misty more than me!

Damn, good times man!:D

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