What Would You Do?

nothing i guess

what would u do if a random guy went up 2 u and throw a pie at ur face
I would eat it.

What would you do if your own mother had sexual attractions for you! (No offense intended)
Igonre him

What would you do if Giant Enemy Crabs attacked your weakpoint for massive damage
Play a video game

What would you do if someone stole all your video games?
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If I knew who did it I would beat their ass and if I didn't know I would call the police.

What would you do if someone stomps on all your stuff.
((I hope I can join? May I?))
I would get mad....because it happened before

What would you do if you were playing the wii and it just caught on fire out of nowhere and then blew up?
I'd go to the store I bought it from and complain outright, Wiis aren't s'possed to do that.

What would ye do if you... had no idea what to do...
Ask them why they had a rifle up to my head
What would you do if
I would say "Well I just met him anyway"
What would you do if I did that?
Nothing. I totally understand! :D That's why I would also haunt you to have fun!

What would you do if...your name was Jack Meof? xD
i would probubly introduce myself to as meny girls as possible

what would you do if your life was in the hands of michael jackson???

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