What Would You Do?

I would catch them and do horrifying inhumane experiments on them before cruelty laws were passed.
I would moan in pain.

What would you do if you were stuck in an infinite loop?
Be very depressed. There goes all of my hobbies and dreams.

What would you do if you lost an arm?
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I would just live like that :/

What would you do if you break your foot in some woods?
Sorry, I accidentily double posted again...
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What would you do if everyone you knew were all of a sudden idiots?
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  • #42
What would you do if you are taking a **** and you find out that there is no toilet paper :yikes:
Doesn't matter, I use wipes most of the time.

what would you do if your house collasped?
I would ask then why they were there.

What would you do if you didn't answer this question?

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