What Would You Do?


What would you do if a bunch of giant spiders gave you an XBOX360?
I was describing a mental hospital...

I would thank the Spiders kindly and see what model of 360 it was... If it was an elite with a huge hard drive I'd keep it, if not... I'd take the Hard Drive and SELL SELL SELL!

What would you do if you had worms in your eyes...
What would you do if Mario Head came out of nowhere and ate your house?
I'd lay off the drugs and go back to good ol' Ritalin.

What would you do if your buddy tricked you and stole the last bite of cake.
I would... Buy a new one?

What would you do if someone dropped a cake on your head?
Eat the larger pieces of cake off of myself and, depending on who the person was, flip them of and|or punch them in the face.
I would FREAKING EAT my way out and "R1p th31R fR3AK1N H3@Rt 0Ut" and SHOW it to them!!!

Then I'd EAT it, ALL OF IT!
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What would you do if you see someone drowning and you don't know how to swim?
I would get some help, call 911 and make a huge scene, thus saving and ebarassing the drowning dolt.

What would you do if your cat pissed on your PSP...
I don't have a PSP.

What you do if your computer blew up?
I would do this
What would you do if someone threw **** at you?
lol i would kick his ass

What would u do if someone stole something special of yours?
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