What will microsoft do next?

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  • #46
no1cubehead said:
microsoft aren't the best company in the world, and they obviously copied the mac with vista, but doesn't the wii home button and wii menu seem remarkably similar to the dashboard?
yeah, i noticed that, nintendo and sony copied that round x button in thee middle of the controller. Sony really copied it there, and the wii copie was not so obvious they changed it's location and the style.
Nintendo sold Rare because Rare were making no progress at all, remember Starfox Adventures on the Gamecube? It was meant to come out on the N64 fairly early on in its life but Rare spent so long on it, 4-6 years I think it was, so Nintendo got sick of them. How many games have Rare made for Microsoft by the way?

To be honest, I'm sure Nintendo has taken some stuff from other companies too, not necessarily Microsoft or Sony. Sony have obviously stolen a lot of ideas, wherease Microsoft have only just come into the market, where else do you think they could have gotten ideas from? They wouldn't know what the regular consumer would want without looking at those with success in the market.

And for the record, the iPod, in terms of sales and popularity, crushes any other Mp3 player without question.
I respect Microsoft and I have an iPod. Wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world. However my 2nd youngest brother decided to get a Zen and its pretty cool too...although ridiculously large and heavy. As for the gaming industry I think Microsoft was smart to do it and I'm glad they have had great sucess with it. And if they want to create a motion sensor controller for their next system they have every right too. However everyone will know and remember that NINTENDO did it FIRST!

I'm kinda scared of what their next system will be since 360 is such a hit. I'll admit that if I could I would get a 360 as well. I wonder what its title will be.
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  • #52
MasterJedi2U said:
I respect Microsoft and I have an iPod. Wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world. However my 2nd youngest brother decided to get a Zen and its pretty cool too...although ridiculously large and heavy. As for the gaming industry I think Microsoft was smart to do it and I'm glad they have had great sucess with it. And if they want to create a motion sensor controller for their next system they have every right too. However everyone will know and remember that NINTENDO did it FIRST!

I'm kinda scared of what their next system will be since 360 is such a hit. I'll admit that if I could I would get a 360 as well. I wonder what its title will be.

uh i agree, but you do know the zen is made by creative right?
Yeah I was just comparing the two....I prefer my iPod cuz its lighter and I think its better. The Zen is alright but not for me.
first off, there is copying, which is OKAY and everyone in the industry dose it, then there is cheap rip offs. things like rumble, joysticks, sure they are copied, but no one cares and its how buisness works. your not going to watch your customers leave you for a better thing, no your going to put it in your design and make it a little better, but for things like the motion control in the ps3 controller, thats a cheap rip off xD

rare xbox games:
conker live and reloaded (nothing special)
perfect dark zero (meh, alright since it was all most had to play at launch for 360)
upcoming: banjo kazooie
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  • #56
Sovieto said:
but for things like the motion control in the ps3 controller, thats a cheap rip off xD
Very true, they did'nt even try to make it better they just copied it horribly !~

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