What will microsoft do next?

D Twizzle said:

Why does everyone love Microsoft all of a sudden? There the biggest company in the world who pay people to make FPS shooter games for there machine which is a pc in a box.
well theres a fanboy for ya
It would be pretty neat if microsoft released games that were playable on the PC as well as the 360. 1 game + 2 systems = win.
Redan499 said:
It would be pretty neat if microsoft released games that were playable on the PC as well as the 360. 1 game + 2 systems = win.
keep dreaming
Sovieto said:
its an auto thing i have when people post negative nonsense in the 360 forum, nothin personal

Sovietos become the official police of the 360 section in the wiichat forum....
NintendoGamer said:
Sovietos become the official police of the 360 section in the wiichat forum....
i was hoping i could get mod here, but to lazy to ask
AW4L said:
are you alright there buddy? zune has gotten dominated by the ipod and the vista has seemed to have gotten too much praise from consumers.
hah ok. the ipod didnt catch on right away einstein. Remember the clunky POS it used to be
i am sure that i have already seen a picture of the wireless motion sensing controller for the xbox 360 in a magazine.
PhartingYoshi said:
I hate Sony because they took Squaresoft away from Nintendo.
I hate Microsoft because they took Rare away from Nintendo.
I hate Sega because..... I dunno, they just suck.

Nintendo thinks of all the original ideas and originally had all the good developers, and other companies leeched off of Nintendo's success.

Rare decided to sell and unfortunatly, nintendo didnt want to buy them. if i remember right, Rareware first presented their offer to nintendo, they declined so Rareware had to look elsewere. kinda sad :sad:... ninty+rare was a good team.
I don`t care what everyone says but man you are 100% right..i do believe microsoft is a copy cat..they copied window from Mac..and would not surprise me that microsoft would do something

HOWEVER: Sony is the biggest Copy cat...ok you know the first controler for PS1 well that was copyed from the Snes Remote controle...the montion sencering was copyed bu the wiimote ( and if someone says nintendo copied that from Sony....well go to hell) lol if you don`t know it yet...i hate both Microsoft and Sony
Demon Slayer said:
I don`t care what everyone says but man you are 100% right..i do believe microsoft is a copy cat..they copied window from Mac..and would not surprise me that microsoft would do something

HOWEVER: Sony is the biggest Copy cat...ok you know the first controler for PS1 well that was copyed from the Snes Remote controle...the montion sencering was copyed bu the wiimote ( and if someone says nintendo copied that from Sony....well go to hell) lol if you don`t know it yet...i hate both Microsoft and Sony
meh no, and in the buisness world your suppose to copy the good things add them to your already good things, then try to make it overall better...this isnt elemetary school where billy gets a cool spiderman watch then so dose jack
but..bill gates worked with apple (and still dose to some degree) he helepd with mac, but mac and windows are so differernt (not as much vista)
Can't copy em, Im a super nintedno fanboy/geek/fanatic/nerd/gamer/tastic/lover whatever you want to call it. They got it copywrited, Microsoft can't copy it at all.
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Wanna bet? If they make in a different form...there you go.
it is absolutely foolish to say that microsoft is a "copy cat." im pretty sure nintendo doesnt have the WHOLE world of motion sensing patented and to say that because nintendo had it first that no one should be entitled to it at all is childish. if microsoft can make their games more enjoyable then why not let them? its a win for all of us. its just ignorant to say that someone that does something similar to someone else is "copying" them just because youre biased to one particular product.
Hybrid said:
We all know microsoft is a big copy cat, but they always seem to do a good job like the zune and windows vista and windows portable phone ect... Will they attempt to copy the wiimote and make the X-motion controller? who knows but they copied eyetoy, don't think they won't hesitate to copy nintendo...

windows portable phone: didnt it come out about 7 years ago?

eyetoy: the eye toy used motion sensing for playing games, the live vision camera is a WEBCAM with one crappy game that uses motion sensing (i think it's one )

Will they attempt to copy the wiimote and make the X-motion controller?
you mean excactly the same as sony did?

microsoft aren't the best company in the world, and they obviously copied the mac with vista, but doesn't the wii home button and wii menu seem remarkably similar to the dashboard?

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