What will microsoft do next?

Microsoft needs to stick with computers only, I already dislike most PC games as it is. The only purpose my computer is serving right now is running homebrew, making sigs and surfing thenet.
even though i wont buy the ps3 or the next microsoft system

i sure hope tht the new microsoft system is better than the ps3 and cheaper
AW4L said:
are you alright there buddy? zune has gotten dominated by the ipod and the vista has seemed to have gotten too much praise from consumers.
hey buddy, i own a zune, and the thing DOMINATES ipod.
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Sovieto said:
its an auto thing i have when people post negative nonsense in the 360 forum, nothin personal

i dont find it negative and i love the 360
Vista pwns :D Mine arrived a few days ago and so far, i'm enjoying all the cool features. I mainly got it for dx10 but the other things I make it look really cool. Vista and DX10 dominates Apples Ass. As for the Zune, my friend has one and i own a zen vision. I have to say, the Zune is actually really cool. Imo, too many people have an iPod (not neccesarily a bad thing) so I like to differentiate myself from the rest of the crowd. And of course, Creative pwns Apple in sound quality. Also got one of their cards for my (soundblaster x-fi) pc and the sound is high quality :)
Sovieto said:
dude wtf how about you give some examples, like how you would love to know i believe it was M$ who had a motion sensing device first for the PC
Microsoft had motion sensing before the Power Glove!!
Power glove was first.
P.S. I Have the article for the 360 motion controller but I'm using my Wii so I dont have the URL. Next time I use a Computer i'll post it.
I don't think Microsoft copy Nintendo NEARLY as much as Sony do. If it isn't sony, then it's other wannabe third party companies. Practically EVERY Crash Bandicoot game I've ever seen rips off a Mario game in some way.

After Nintendo made the first Mario Party and Smash Bros, along came Crash Bash. Not to mention Crash Team Racing after Mario Kart 64, and Crash Nitro Kart after Mario Kart: Double Dash.

There's little MS do copy, but I still think they are horrible misers who care less about their consumers and more about their revenue.
PhartingYoshi said:
I don't think Microsoft copy Nintendo NEARLY as much as Sony do. If it isn't sony, then it's other wannabe third party companies. Practically EVERY Crash Bandicoot game I've ever seen rips off a Mario game in some way.

After Nintendo made the first Mario Party and Smash Bros, along came Crash Bash. Not to mention Crash Team Racing after Mario Kart 64, and Crash Nitro Kart after Mario Kart: Double Dash.

There's little MS do copy, but I still think they are horrible misers who care less about their consumers and more about their revenue.

Why does everyone love Microsoft all of a sudden? There the biggest company in the world who pay people to make FPS shooter games for there machine which is a pc in a box.
PhartingYoshi said:
Oh believe me. I DON'T love Microsoft. I just think Sony are worse.
Nintendo ALL the way.
I was agreeing with you don't worry, I'd take Microsoft over over Sony anyday if only because there controller is more comfortable.
I hate Sony because they took Squaresoft away from Nintendo.
I hate Microsoft because they took Rare away from Nintendo.
I hate Sega because..... I dunno, they just suck.

Nintendo thinks of all the original ideas and originally had all the good developers, and other companies leeched off of Nintendo's success.
PhartingYoshi said:
I hate Sony because they took Squaresoft away from Nintendo.
I hate Microsoft because they took Rare away from Nintendo.
I hate Sega because..... I dunno, they just suck.

Nintendo thinks of all the original ideas and originally had all the good developers, and other companies leeched off of Nintendo's success.
nintendo sold rare? so you must hate nintendo?

im sure same goes for squaresoft

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