what the story of your first shiny pokemon?

So I finally caught my first legit shiny. I was searching for a Bidoof for an HM slave, and first encounter was a Shiny. Only thing is, you can barely see the difference...
Easiest way to get find a legendary pokemon shiny (or with really good stats) is soft reset xD...that is if you have patience.
My secret to getting amazing stats 'll be a secret though though it might be already known
Easiest way to get find a legendary pokemon shiny (or with really good stats) is soft reset xD

That's the only way t' get a shiny legendary. >_>;

My secret to getting amazing stats 'll be a secret though

RNG abuse/breeding. Your secret is now out/bested by these "secrets".

also action replay lololololololololololol
My first shiny was a Roselia in the Trophy Garden in Pearl :) I was looking for a Pikachu with a Light Ball, but I happily took the shiny.
It was my only shiny (aside the red Gyrados but that doesn't really count) until 1 hour ago :) I got a shiny Ditto by chaining in pearl and since it was a German game many more will come :)
Couple years ago, when I just started gettin' into Pokemon, I was in Mt. Moon, Fire Red, on my GBA. I walked around for a while and found... Of possibly all the Pokemon......... I found a shiny Zubat -_-.

I took it, but as usual the internal battery went out.
Sorry for bump, Anyways, Mine was a wingull in pokemon X version, I found him in a horde battle.
Mine was a Hoppip I found on Five Island in Pokémon FR/LG. I still have it to this day, on Platinum, as a fully evolved pink Jumpluff.

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