what the story of your first shiny pokemon?

Pokemon Crystal
-Shiny Igglybuff Egg. Deleted Long Ago

Pokemon Gold/Silver
-Shiny Ditto Glitch With Pokemon Red/Blue

Fire Red
-Shiny Swinub Evolved Into Mamoswine Traded With A Guy At School Who Sent It To Japan As A Mamoswine
- Shiny Rhyhorn Safari Zone Fell Asleep Lost It.
-Shiny Weedle, Caught In The Forest, Still Have It. Only Got It A Few Months Ago (August-September-October 2011)

Leaf Green
- Shiny Meowth Still Have As Far As I Know.
I Was Starting My Pokemon Emerald Over. Sending All My Pokemon To Leaf Green I Had To Catch A Lot Of Pokemon. (took Over 18+ hours To Do All The Trades.

Jap Pokemon Soul Silver
-Shiny Weepinbel.
I Used Some Action Replay Code On It And It Became Un-Shiny.
I Might Have It On "My Pokemon Ranch" I Use My Pokemon Pearl As Storage Ans Sent Most Of My 4th Gen Pokemon Over.

Some Diamond, Pearl, Plat
- Shiny Weepinbel Bred With My Ditto Whore And Created A Shiny Belsprout.
Still Have The Belsprout Untouched.

- Shiny Bidoof Traded To My Ex Girlfriend
... ... ...

This was fate. Conspiring against me for the sole purpose to ruin my life.



Just keep fishing, you'll get one eventually.
It Would've Been Infinitely More Funny If The Guy Who Sold James His Magikapr Sold Him A Shiny One.


"He begged me to trade it for his Pokemon.. so I did!" :D
Brock: "You truly are a dumb mutha*****"

donkeykong1816 3 weeks ago 4"
I have been taunted to the extreme over shiny 'Karp. Excuse me while I go commit seppuku.

Jokes on you dickheads... That Magikarp fanatic was actually me!
My first shiny (and currently the last if the shiny gyarados at the lake of rage doesnt count) was a Shiny Stunky in Diamond. I was looking for Mesprit and found it, but could not catch it because it flees. I then walked one step farther and i encountered a shiny stunky. It was an awesome moment. I catcthes it directly, because i was so happy and dont want that he should faint. I catches it with an ultra ball, the first ball i used. Now its a Shiny S****ank and it's on my team and it will be there 4ever :smile:
First shiny found?
I was in my Emerald game, pretty completed, and was randomly doing the Battle Frontier for lolz. I was in the Battle Pyramid at the time.
3rd floor. Nothing unusual until a shiny Minun appeared. Of course, being in the Battle Pyramid, I couldn't catch it. :cryin: It was so greeeeeen.

Now its a Shiny S****ank and it's on my team and it will be there 4ever :smile:
Interesting that it partially censors the evolution of Stunky...
The word "kunt" in it's name is t' blame. No, I've no idea why even with incorrect spelling it's censored... Hilariously similar to how ya can't trade Froslass over GTS since it's own name has "ass" in it. :lol:

I've heard some terrible stories of missed shinnies, and that's by far the worst; not even havin' a chance of gettin' it. =/ Every competitive battler's worst nightmare. I still dread the day I encounter a shiny I can't catch for whatever reason.

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