what the story of your first shiny pokemon?

I had a shiny HootHoot in pokemon Gold and it was on par with a Magikarp. This can be seen in two ways...
Then my battery died and my saved data was lost.

Let's not forget the time I found a Shiny Carvana and then remembered "Ah, I have no pokeballs" during a 2nd playthrough of Pokemon Ruby so I ended up knocking it out [STRIKE]but that wasn't my first time so it doesn't matter[/STRIKE]
Well, first I dont really remember a Tentacool or Oddish in Silver, dont remember. In Sapphire, I was EV training my Absol outside the Weather Institute when I ran into an Oddish. I wasnt paying much attention but when I looked at the screen, something was funny about it, then I noticed it was a different color.I knew it was shiny so I weakened it. I had one Pokeball, a Nest Ball, I switched to my highest leveled Pokemon and threw the Nest Ball. Oddish was caught. That was a lucky catch. Nowadays I keep no less than 20 Pokeballs at a time in case of an encounter like that.
My first shiny was in Silver. I don't remember exactly what Pokemon it was, but i remember it happened 2 times in a row. Sadly, I think i thought the gameboy was glitching so i turned it off. :(
My first shiny was in Silver. I don't remember exactly what Pokemon it was, but i remember it happened 2 times in a row. Sadly, I think i thought the gameboy was glitching so i turned it off. :(
Thought the same thing when I got my first pokérus Pokémon. Luckly I saved it. But I traded it to my brother. I eventually got it back from him [strike]without him knowing[/strike]
Nowadays I keep no less than 20 Pokeballs at a time in case of an encounter like that.

Wise words. I follow the same practice after I encountered my first shiny; an Elektrike; 'n had nothin' low enough level to battle it with, so I used my Masterball half in that I wouldn't have t' worry 'bout running outta balls, and half in that I thought it might run from battle (I didn't know much 'bout shinnies back in '04 or so). T'is the reason I stockpiled Master balls in Gen 3 as well as always keepin' a False Swipe Poke on me.
My first Shiny was a purple Slowpoke in the Safari Zone in Heartgold. I didn't catch it, but later I found a Shiny Solosis in White.
Safari Zone shinnies are Lady Luck's way of sayin' you need t' give 'er a blood sacrifice, lest she proverbially kick ya in the nuts with said occurrences yet again.

In short, you've my pity. Speakin' of, believe I've got a shiny Slowpoke if you're interested... ;)
My first shiny pokemon was the red gyarados in soulsilver. My next shiny was a shiny dratini in White 2. I don't count either of those though because you have to encounter the red gyarados and you don't have to work that hard to get the Dratini (Gible in Black 2).
My next shiny is the one I consider my first shiny. I got a shiny Timburr in White 2 using the Masuda Method of breeding. It only took me 252 eggs. I got it on the 1st of December 2012 in the morning. For those of you that don't know, normal Timburr and shiny Timburr look very similar. When it hatched, I thought it might be a shiny but I wasn't sure due to how similar the 2 sprites look. So I checked and realised that I had gotten my first shiny.
After I got the Timburr, I started looking for a shiny Venipede using the same method. I haven't been very persistent at it though so it hasn't shined yet.
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I've been looking for a shiny Venipede too! I seek after shiniy:

Magnemites (DaQuil!)

PM if ya got 'em. I'll trade the legendary beasts and a Ho-Oh and Lugia for two of 'em off the list. Or a Kyruem*Shiny for all three... SplashKing...

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