What Should I Get: A Mac Mini or a PS3?

JT. said:
TV's aren't always good monitor's. You can't sit very close to them, cause you'll see every single separate pixel, and the colours, resolotions and stuff like that are different. Not sure of the exact details though...
hmmm, the samsung is a good quality HDTV, so it should be ok.
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I was bored the other day and plugged this PC into the Samsung HDTV in here just using the standard 'PC IN' connection, I'm not sure what the cable is called but you know what I mean...but anyway, that worked and looked fine so I'm sure I won't have any problems.
Gaz said:
You can upgrade your mac.. ok with the mini it is a bit harder, but possible.

Apple Mac's are hardly difficult to fix if there is a problem.

easy-to-install oeprating system for pc's? My dad (who has been in the IT proffession since it near begun) recently bought a mac, and he said to me how supprised he was as to how easy it was to set up and install everything.

Ok so changing your monitor 'size' (you mean resolution) is as easy as right clicking your desktop, properties, click some tab i think, drop down box, and apply... on a pc that is. on a mac you click the System prefrences on the dock, displays ( :eek: who would have guessed). then like omg it gives u an easy list of what resolutions you can use!! LIKE OMG!! so hard!!!

there might not be so many photo-video-music editing software for the mac, but the ones apple gives you from the start are suitable for what most people need, the rest of the people will buy proffesional software anyway.

you can play games on a mac <_< mac runs windows.. pc doesn't run OS X...

ok so spelling clearly matters.. we are on the interwebz!

No, silly little assuming boy, the monitor size. The size of the screen, if you will. I can just pick up a nice 4" upgrade on my monitor whenever I want. Good luck doing that with a Mac.

You can run anything on a PC. By the way, a Mac is a PC. Just a limited one with a solid price tag.
get the mac way better that a ps3. and more power that a pc. Osx10.4 does not take much space on the ram or hdd
YOU SHOUDL get my personal fave.......i have the most amazing girlfriend in the world :yesnod:
Build a laptop, stick linux on it.

what exactly are you going to do with this computer, since gaming really isn't an option.

Edit: Call me an apple hater (i-pods as a collective noun doesn't help), but you're paying for the name. Unless you're music/video editing/creating, don't get a mac.

@ those who use "macs look nice"........ :nonod:
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Brawny said:
Build a laptop, stick linux on it.

what exactly are you going to do with this computer, since gaming really isn't an option.

Edit: Call me an apple hater (i-pods as a collective noun doesn't help), but you're paying for the name. Unless you're music/video editing/creating, don't get a mac.

@ those who use "macs look nice"........ :nonod:
Um do you not have a mac no bugs better apps (most) A better ram user. than windows
i like macs more, i record music and it allows me to do a lot more on a mac than a pc. a mac is a more user friendly creative computer and a pc is cheaper standard universal computer.
Get an Xbox 360. At the moment it's a much better choice than the PS3, plus you'll have plenty of money left over to buy some great games (Crackdown, Bioshock, Dead Rising, etc.).
Bigjake52 said:
Um do you not have a mac no bugs better apps (most) A better ram user. than windows

I do not have one personally, but my school insists on them. Apparently old-school macs are cheaper than old school PC's

Linux is the ultimate RAM efficiency user. Hm...never seen anyone running osx on a live cd or usb drive. XP with SP1 & 2 is just fine.

When you say "bugs" you mean security threats. Again, linux. Open source also helps when problems DO arise. Better apps? Music, video editing. That's it. Anything else is available for Windows or open-source. (IE, apophysis, GIMP)

i like macs more, i record music and it allows me to do a lot more on a mac than a pc. a mac is a more user friendly creative computer and a pc is cheaper standard universal computer.

yeah, music editing. Yay!

And when mac users say "more user friendly", I say "if you don't understand computers, get a mac" and then they get all pissy.... weird circle...

I wouldn't say PC's are universal. On the contrary, mac's are much more cookie cutter computers. It is the un-universalness that makes PC's better for power users.

@ the OP. I agree with NB...get a 360 elite or something.
yeah, i dont get computers to well and a mac allows me to do the things i need to do without giving me a headache like a pc would. I'm a console gamer so, i dont use a pc for gaming. i use my mac for video editing, music engineering/producing, and just surfing the web and stuff. also brawny do you play c&c 3, i might get it, i see the one dude in ur sig.
lol, no...I'm planning on buying it when I upgrade my computer though. I'd recommend it.

Okay, if you get the mini, make sure you at least add some ram to the paltry 512 or whatever offered. The video also sucks hard on that thing. And you have to factor in the monitor in your pricing. As well as keyboard/mouse.
I would get the Mini, I love mine. A PC with Linux is also a great choice, but keep in mind that you can run Linux (or any other OS that you could run on a PC) on a Mac too. OS X can't be (legally or easily) run on a PC.

Brawny said:
lol, no...I'm planning on buying it when I upgrade my computer though. I'd recommend it.

Okay, if you get the mini, make sure you at least add some ram to the paltry 512 or whatever offered. The video also sucks hard on that thing. And you have to factor in the monitor in your pricing. As well as keyboard/mouse.
Actually they recently made the default amount of RAM to 1GB when they upgraded to Core 2 Duo processors. (they used to have Core Duos) He is going to use his TV for a monitor so that doesn't matter. And yes the graphics card sucks, but it shouldn't be too big of a problem unless you are trying to game on it. (if you are then you are an idiot)

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