Should I Buy a PS3 or a 360?

I would go with the PS3 since it has the biggest game library, backwards compatible, and also upscales old games as well as a texture smoother. Huge RPG supporter plus some of the best tactic games ever.

If you want "more" games now, mostly shooters and crap, go with 360. Most 360 games are over hyped and in the long run suck. Why else do people only talk about Gears of War? Its really the only good game.
Read the sig
Nuff said

In the long run, PS3 is going to whoop the dogshit out of 360 (maybe)
Wii is no contest
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GamerCon said:
I would go with the PS3 since it has the biggest game library, backwards compatible, and also upscales old games as well as a texture smoother. Huge RPG supporter plus some of the best tactic games ever.

If you want "more" games now, mostly shooters and crap, go with 360. Most 360 games are over hyped and in the long run suck. Why else do people only talk about Gears of War? Its really the only good game.

Im going with you! The 360 really seems to have just a bunch of shooters, which I strongly dislike. Also Star Ocean 4 will appear on the PS3 along with FF13, MGS4, Killzone 2....which I can make an exception for because its ****ing gorgeous!!! The Wii will provide its fair share of great RPGs as well. Also I also believe the PS3 will be much more successful than the 360 in the end too. So everyone thanks for the advice! My decision is to get a PS3 later this year.
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Tails McCloud~ said:
Glad I could help! Rep'd

what'd you rep me for, your the one that helped me lol. Well thanks anyways, just to let u know I repped you and gamercon(even though he ''apparently'' dosnt want it lol) a while ago. Thanks Again!
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Glad I helped.

Im looking forward to the new Star Ocean and the remake of Second Story on PSP. MGS is just the most deep story line I have ever seen.

Im not saying the 360 is bad but games now shouldnt matter as much as game quality. Im glad they waited on the system release, less problems if any, and the game releases. More time to polish the look and play of games. PS3 doesnt feel rushed at all.
Im reeealy looking forward to Star Ocean as well. First one blew my mind.
I was surprised how much voice acting was done on a SNES cart. Kuhazan! still my favorite move ever. Eat your heart out Goku.
There are lots of interesting games coming out soon really, a few that are interesting me:

Resistance Fall of Man
Ninja Gaiden Sigma

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Killzone 2
Assasins Creed
Unreal Tournament 3
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam
Heavenly Sword

Those are the ones jumping at me right now.(Im sure there are others that other people like). And some are on other systems sure, but if you read deeper into games like DiRt. They have a MUCH higher Framerate on the Ps3 compared to the Xbox360's versions. (Due to Cell)
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Yes I'll definitely be getting most of those games. Especially Assassins Creed and MGS4. Ive also seen tons of game that are untitled and havent really been shown off yet. So im hoping a lot of those games are good. But the biggest reason I want a PS3 is because Level 5, same company that made Dragon Quest VIII, Dark Cloud, Dark Cloud 2, and Rouge Galaxy! All are my favorite games, and I cant wait to play their newest PS3 game White Knight Story! It looks and sounds incredible!
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if i were u, id get a ps3 just for MGS4
that game alone makes it worth $700
and theres always the fact of it is a cheap blue ray player
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Yeah I almost agree with you and there is also home which Im very interested in. I can brag to all my friends because they're too poor to get one! :lol:
MGS4, A.Creed, and Dynasty Warriors appeal to me quite nicely :)
I've seen so many threads of this!

I suggest you get a new game for the Wii and play it. You don't have to spend +$700 for one or two games.

The best games for Wii are coming out this year.

I can't belive some of you people. You can't wait a few months for a new game and you have to spend over $600 on a new system!
Nfanboy said:
I've seen so many threads of this!

I suggest you get a new game for the Wii and play it. You don't have to spend +$700 for one or two games.

The best games for Wii are coming out this year.

I can't belive some of you people. You can't wait a few months for a new game and you have to spend over $600 on a new system!
Your name says it all.....