What Should I Get: A Mac Mini or a PS3?

mikeomatic2 said:
he meant to say thats how much it would cost him so suck it white boys!!
Stop pretending to be black.
You're just making a noob of yourself.
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Yeah I'm a console gamer so I didn't consider anything about playing games on it, apart from maybe Champ Man :D

Kumoriken said:
Do you have a 360? xD
If not, GET ONE. Trust me, you wouldn't regret it. xD
PS3 isn't great at all, I had one. Sold it for a 360. So go with the Mac Mini, 'cause Macs are PWN. <3
Hmm I've considered the 360 but I think I'd prefer a PS3 so I wouldn't have to buy all the extras that are included with the PS3. Or does the Elite change that? Hmm to be honest I'm not sure between the two...but anyway I think I'll get the Mac because there's enough games that I want on my Wii to keep me occupied (in terms of gaming) for a long time. There's nothing really on the PS3 (apart from F1, man I love F1) or the 360 (except maybe Bioshock), that I particularly want. Obviously that will change when other games come out, like GTA, and others that I can't be arsed thinking of, but for now I'm very happy with my Wii and therefore have no reason (currently) to challenge it.
I'll be honest, the main reason why I was considering getting a PS3 (or 360) was to experience HD gaming, but that can wait. Also, I'll wait for the outcome of Blu-Ray vs HD-DVD before I get a PS3 or 360 - Blu-Ray wins: the PS3 is mine, HD-DVD wins: I'll get a 360 (with the HD-DVD player of course).

In conclusion, I'll get a Mac.
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XwiimasturX said:
i say go with the ps3. (i'm anti-Mac, i hate them with a passion.)
Shocking! Why do you hate Macs so much?
Good choice.
I don't get how people with PC's manage. Macs are so much better. And who cares about computer gaming anyways? Thats what the Wii is for! You can play games like Worlf of Warcraft on a Mac...

I'm personally getting the new iMac. They sell for £799.

(I'm an anti-Bill Gates)
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JT. said:
Good choice.
I don't get how people with PC's manage. Macs are so much better. And who cares about computer gaming anyways? Thats what the Wii is for! You can play games like Worlf of Warcraft on a Mac...

I'm personally getting the new iMac. They sell for £799.

(I'm an anti-Bill Gates)
[Unrelated massive picture]

People with PCs manage because:
They are able to upgrade their computer.
They can fix problems themselves if they ever happen to occur.
There is a plethora of easy-to-install operating systems for PCs.
Changing your monitor or "screen" size is easy.
There are hundreds of video-editing, photo-editing, and music-editing programs that are just as good as, if not much better than the few given as choices on a Mac.
You can play games on it. It doesn't matter if you don't like computer games, millions of other people do.
They can spell (PC's-PCs. Worlf of Warcraft-World of Warcraft).
World of Warcraft either eats up your life, or sucks. People with a PC have options.

Get a PS3. If I were you, I would take advantage of the HDTV you have, with a game console that does more than just HD video games.
Blu-Ray movies (your Mac Mini does that, right?)
Great HD games (Hmm?)
Compatibility with PS2 and PS1 games :)O?)
Smaller price tag (Never thought I'd say the PS3 has a smaller price tag)

Well, if that's what you truly believe...I'm afraid I've wasted my time. Get a PS3.
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My god the Wii owns... said:
People with PCs manage because:
They are able to upgrade their computer.
They can fix problems themselves if they ever happen to occur.
There is a plethora of easy-to-install operating systems for PCs.
Changing your monitor or "screen" size is easy.
There are hundreds of video-editing, photo-editing, and music-editing programs that are just as good as, if not much better than the few given as choices on a Mac.
You can play games on it. It doesn't matter if you don't like computer games, millions of other people do.
They can spell (PC's-PCs. Worlf of Warcraft-World of Warcraft).
World of Warcraft either eats up your life, or sucks. People with a PC have options.

Get a PS3. If I were you, I would take advantage of the HDTV you have, with a game console that does more than just HD video games.
Blu-Ray movies (your Mac Mini does that, right?)
Great HD games (Hmm?)
Compatibility with PS2 and PS1 games :)O?)
Smaller price tag (Never thought I'd say the PS3 has a smaller price tag)
Yeah that's why I didn't know which to get, because I do want to experience everything that the PS3 has to offer...however, I'm very content with my Wii and the games that are coming out for it. If I got a PS3 then my 'gaming time' would be split, and I don't have much time anyway, with going back to Uni soon. So at this moment in time I'm going to go for the Mac, but I'll probably get a PS3 next year.
Well, if that's what you truly believe...I'm afraid I've wasted my time. Get a PS3.
Don't worry I'm not like this, I valued your thoughts however I'll still go for the Mac I think!
My god the Wii owns... said:
People with PCs manage because:
They are able to upgrade their computer.
They can fix problems themselves if they ever happen to occur.
There is a plethora of easy-to-install operating systems for PCs.
Changing your monitor or "screen" size is easy.
There are hundreds of video-editing, photo-editing, and music-editing programs that are just as good as, if not much better than the few given as choices on a Mac.
You can play games on it. It doesn't matter if you don't like computer
games, millions of other people do.
They can spell (PC's-PCs. Worlf of Warcraft-World of Warcraft).
World of Warcraft either eats up your life, or sucks. People with a PC have options.
You can upgrade your mac.. ok with the mini it is a bit harder, but possible.

Apple Mac's are hardly difficult to fix if there is a problem.

easy-to-install oeprating system for pc's? My dad (who has been in the IT proffession since it near begun) recently bought a mac, and he said to me how supprised he was as to how easy it was to set up and install everything.

Ok so changing your monitor 'size' (you mean resolution) is as easy as right clicking your desktop, properties, click some tab i think, drop down box, and apply... on a pc that is. on a mac you click the System prefrences on the dock, displays ( :eek: who would have guessed). then like omg it gives u an easy list of what resolutions you can use!! LIKE OMG!! so hard!!!

there might not be so many photo-video-music editing software for the mac, but the ones apple gives you from the start are suitable for what most people need, the rest of the people will buy proffesional software anyway.

you can play games on a mac <_< mac runs windows.. pc doesn't run OS X...

ok so spelling clearly matters.. we are on the interwebz!
JT. said:
Good choice.
I don't get how people with PC's manage. Macs are so much better. And who cares about computer gaming anyways? Thats what the Wii is for! You can play games like Worlf of Warcraft on a Mac...

I'm personally getting the new iMac. They sell for £799.

(I'm an anti-Bill Gates)
idk maybe its the fact that windows is just fine and everything i need so i dont want to go out and buy a whole new computer just to get a system that dosent allow me to play the games i want, maybe.
and i find it funny how you use the "who cares about computer gaming" then you say "world of warcraft is on mac" you go against yourself and named probably the most popular computer game. obviously you have no real reasons for mac > pc.
At the end of the day, it's like arguing about your shoes, ok so you have nikes, and i have adidas.... but what difference does it make they both get me from a to b.
Hmm... I seem very hated. Cheers to Gaz though! And sorry for my spelling errors. 2 months without a computer sadly caused me to punch in an "F" instead od a "D". And sorry for the apostrophe in "PC's". My bad. Grammatical error. And I was just saying, there are games for macs, although people don't seem to notice. I was merely giving WoW as an example. Since it's the "most popular computer game", it only seems logical to mention it, as it proves that the better games are for mac as well. And as mentioned by Gaz, you can download Windows onto your Mac, no problem, even further expanding your gaming choices. And, My god the Wii Owns..., you were talking about upgrading a PC... Well the thing is, when you want to upgrade to, let's say Vista, not only do you need to upgrade the OS, but you have to upgrade your hardware if it isn't capable enough to run Vista. Does that problem exist with Mac's? Nope.

I might add something later to my long block of arguments, just because I like arguing, 'cause I know I tend to win.

And rep to Gaz for getting the stuff right.

And as I've pointed out, I've got a reason for "mac > pc".

Some things I'll admit. You can find pc's with better hardware than you can find Macs. And Macs can be expensive. But that's all.

Oh, and Sovieto, I noticed your sig says you've got a broken computer. A PC by any chance?
Just remember that if you get mac mini you will also need a mac screen which will end up costing alot more
som1 said:
Just remember that if you get mac mini you will also need a mac screen which will end up costing alot more
Oh really! i have a Mac mini, i have an LG screen, also used Dell screens. you talk about as much sense as Bush.
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som1 said:
Just remember that if you get mac mini you will also need a mac screen which will end up costing alot more
If I had to buy a Mac screen with my Mac mini, I'd just get an iMac. What would be the point in a Mac mini if you had to get a Mac screen as well? If you read the first post you would have realised that I'll be hooking it up to my Samsung TV.
TV's aren't always good monitor's. You can't sit very close to them, cause you'll see every single separate pixel, and the colours, resolotions and stuff like that are different. Not sure of the exact details though...

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