
I really dont like those FF characters, they all look like women ya know?!
I agree with that. FF never was one of my fave games. Maybe its coz i never actually played it from the beginning to end of any version of FF.

Don't think they'll put sephiroth in. Maybe cloud? Yuna? (I've seen the two FF movies so I know who the chars are.) I prefer cloud anyway...

Back to topic Q, I reckon they should have kicked out Pichu from SSBM. He was only char that had a couple of submissive moves. And he's too light so is easily tossed from the stage at low health compared to the other chars in game.

Speaking of Luigi in the pages earlier, there is really only one aspect of him that has an adv over other chars - his wavedash. His is the longest in the game and is good for confounding/confusing the other opponent when used effectively. If ya don't know what i'm on about, here's a link to the meaning of the wavedash move: http://www.freewebs.com/wavedashtutorial/
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luigi's side b was really strong if you did it right. and his up b was a "home run" if you did it right next to someone. and he was the only one with a taunt that hurt. but i dont think thats important
Thats what I thought he meant. Yeah Luigi, as a character had many aspects that made him stand out from the rest of the characters in SSBM.

By the way Final Fantasy first came out on the NES then the next version on the SNES then finally on the PS1. After that no more FF versions came out xcept for 1 - 2 on GC (Crystal Chronicles?)
I've never played an FF in my life.

Luigi did stand out...but only as a dumb italian guy who was a terrible fighter.

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